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Puppy Mills as a National Problem

Essay Instructions:

Annotated Bibliography

In Module 2, you began conducting research for your final paper examining a state or global social issue. By now, you already have a developed research topic and a working thesis statement, along with a small bibliography of resources for support.

For this Critical Thinking assignment, you are to add three credible sources to your original Annotated Bibliography, for a total of at least five credible sources.

Annotate all sources, using college-level writing skills and proper APA style for quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing sources. Begin your annotated bibliography by describing your research plan at the top of the page.

To fulfill the research component of this assignment, you must:
Conduct several searches using any of the databases in the University Library.
Select scholarly peer-reviewed sources from your library search that support the topics and arguments you plan to present in your Portfolio Project.
Select scholarly three to five peer-reviewed sources from your library search that support the topics and arguments you plan to present in your Portfolio Project.

To fulfill the written component of this assignment, you must:
Include a title page that is formatted in proper APA style. List APA-style references in alphabetical order along with your unique paragraph summaries.
Annotated paragraphs must be original and should not be copied from abstracts or other summaries. Format your assignment according to APA style as outlined in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
Your annotated bibliography should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and use 12-point Times New Roman font.

Your annotations should contain at least one of the following elements:
A summary, in your own words, of the information presented in the article.
Your analysis of the best use of this information for your final paper, written in your own words.
Identification of a possible topic sentence and/or claim the information will support.
Refer to the Critical Thinking Rubric available in the Module 3 folder for more information on assignment expectations and grading.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Annotated Bibliography
Institutional Affiliation
Annotated Bibliography Burger, K. A. (2014). Solving the Problem of Puppy Mills: Why the Animal Welfare Movement's Bark is Stronger than its Bite. Journal of Law and Policy, 259-284. Burger (2014) explores issues that render animal welfare groups in the United States inefficient in dealing with problems facing large-scale production of dogs, commonly known as puppy mills. The author begins by explaining the primary motive of puppy mills. Within the article, a vivid explanation of why the United States legislature has failed to resolve the puppy mills problem is provided. The author outlines various loopholes in federal, state and local legislature. Burger (2014) points out that the puppy mill problem cannot be entirely linked to the legislature, but also a failure of existing animal welfare lobbies. Despite the proper funding, their approaches are weak as compared to the magnitude of the problem. Gill, J. A. (2013). Environmental Impacts of One Puppy Mill among Many: A Case History. Commercial Animal Breeding and Puppy Mills. Gill (2013) denotes that the environmental aspect of puppy mills if far less featured in studies and investigation as compared to other issues like animal treatment. The author develops a view that, understanding the level of adversity that puppy mill poses to the environment is more likely to attract more attention. The article begins by outlining the challenges of collecting information and conducting an actual environmental impact assessment of puppy mills. The author notes that most puppy mills operate in the shadows, thus acquiring a search warrant is close to impossible. In the research, the author concludes how the size of puppy mills among other features contributes towards its environmental impact. Gormley, K., & Berry, J. (2009). Animal welfare position papers, puppy mills, and you. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 1166–1168. Gormley and Berry (2009) establish a connection between research and public participation in the bid to resolve the puppy mill problem on a global scale. The authors argue that animal welfare groups cannot single-handedly address the puppy mill challenge. According to the research, interested parties like veterinaries are normally limited by the existing legal framework. Additionally, the political class which directly relates to the public do...
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