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Public Meeting Analysis

Essay Instructions:
I attended the meeting and have outlined the meeting. I need it written up in APA format and please use other outside resources in addition to the city council agenda. The agenda is attached for reference and my outline. The goal is to observe the interaction between the public administrators, elected officials, lobbyists, and general citizenry at the meeting. After attending/viewing the meeting you will write a 2-3 page paper analyzing your experience along with how it relates to the course material. Be sure to include at least three (3) direct references to the course material minimally and also to additional research, if applicable, in APA format. 

 Your paper for Essay 3 should provide the following:

 - Name of the meeting attended

* - Date of the meeting and where it was held

* Brief summary (no more than a paragraph) of the meeting agenda (this can sometimes be short – some meetings discuss only one subject; and other times, this can be quite lengthy)

* The role of the administrator(s) at the meeting (e.g. did they present materials, were they there just to answer questions, etc.?).

 An example: A City Treasurer is often asked to present a budget, and then s/he will need to answer questions brought forward by Council members or members of the public regarding various aspects of the budget The role of the public or interest groups at the meeting.

 For example, were members of the public allowed to speak at the meeting; what procedures were in place to allow their input (most meetings require individuals to fill out a ‘comment card'); etc.?

 * Your impressions on the operation of the meeting, as well as the democratic nature of the meeting.

 For example, was the meeting well publicized; did it start and end on time; was the meeting well organized or did it seem to drag on; etc.?

 [Be sure to explain your impressions – i.e. do not just write “The meeting seemed unorganized.” Explain why you had that impression.]

 * How did the elected council members and the administrators interact (i.e. was the interaction formal, or did it seem relaxed)? How did the administrators interact with the public (i.e. did they seem to value the public's input or did they merely seem to tolerate it)?

 [Again, be sure to explain your impressions – i.e. do not just write “The council members and administrators really seemed to value the public's input.” Explain why you had that impression.]
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Public Meeting Analysis Name Institution I was present on a Regular Voting Meeting of the Prescott City Council. This meeting occurred on 10 September, 2013 at the Prescott City Hall facility. Such meetings are scheduled on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month at 3.00 PM. Therefore, the meeting conformed to the scheduled time (3.00 P.M). Five agenda items were debated chronologically. It is crucial to point out that the public and other interest groups had minor roles, while the administrators assumed leading roles in the meeting. I had the impression that the meeting fulfilled national and international standards of a conference (Putman, 2013). For instance, it is clear that the meeting commenced as scheduled.  This is a public meeting analysis for the aforementioned meeting.              An introduction, an invocation, a pledge of allegiance and taking the roll call came before the first agenda. Consequently, two presentations on the introduction of new business and a request for the city to help in obtaining information about citizens through a research survey occurred as the first agenda item. The council then moved several agenda items. For instance, it moved to close public hearings and approved four liquor licenses. It also moved to close public hearing and annex and rezone +497 acres and adopt a definition of hospital into the Land Development Code. The council also approved the purchase of 1,900 residential trash containers, but councilman Kukyo waived his right to vote on this subject. The fifth agenda item was settling of the final payment to A. Miner Contracting for the reconstruction of the runway at the local Prescott airport. The approximate payment to the contractor was American dollars Four Hundred Eleven Thousand.             The meeting was presided over by the Prescott City Council, which serves as the legislative body. It comprised of seven members namely Mayor Kuykendall, Councilman Arnold, Councilman Blair, Councilman Carlow, Councilman Kuknyo, Councilman Lamerson, and Councilman Scamardo. Clearly, the administrators of the meeting were the council members. Additional members present at the meeting included the city manager, the city clerk, and the city attorney (the elected...
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