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What is the main idea of psalm 23

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following question in a clear, well-crafted paper (1-2 pages / 500-750 words). Be sure to cite specific details from the text in your answer. 

Compare Psalm 23 and The Sermon on the Mount. The works have similar themes, or messages. What is the main idea of each work? How are the works alike? How are they different? How is the style, or genre, of each work appropriate to its purpose? (These questions are meant to give you some guidance to compare the two works, but you will need to choose one or two of these questions to answer, or create your own comparison. You can't answer all of these questions well in 1-2 pages.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psalm 23 and The Sermon on the Mount
Psalm 23 and The Sermon on the Mount
In the Bible, some portions of the Scripture seem to stick deeply in people’s minds. Psalm 23 is one of these. This portion of the Bible is a well-known passage talking about the Lord as the Shepherd of the people. Psalm 23 highly relates to the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, which has been tackled in different books in the Bible such as Mathew and Mark among others. This paper seeks to analyze the similarities that exist between Psalm 23 and the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount. It would elaborate on the ideas portrayed by the two portions of the Bible, pinpointing some areas where they differ with one another.
The main idea contained in Psalm 23 pertains to God’s provision, protection, and preservation of the human kind. It emphasizes how God provides for the human in terms of the physical and spiritual needs. It stresses that God protects His people even when they travel in the presence of their enemies. It promises people of God’s mercy and goodness throughout life to enable them be part of the Lord’s house forever. On the other hand, the Sermon on the Mount contains various ideas. Among the ideas, are the Beatitudes, which elaborate on the nature of God and how people should behave to establish a relationship with God. It provides the Lord’s Prayer to help people connect and communicate with God. It advices people to seek righteousness and the Kingdom of God first, before any other thing in life. It further warns people on certain things to avoid, for instance, judging others and being aware of false prophet among others.
The similarities that exist between Psalm 23 and the Sermon on the Mount are several. First, the two has acknowledged the Lord as the Shepherd who protects and provides human with their daily needs. Human does not have to worry about anyt...
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