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How to Protect Massage Workers

Essay Instructions:

Find a current op ed that fit the criteria of a proposal argument from any one of the following:

The Philadelphia Inquirer

The Washington Post

The New York Times

The Wall Street Journal

The Economist

The New Yorker

The Atlantic


Read the Op Ed carefully. For this assignment, write the title, the authors, the publication and the date. Then write a solid paragraph under each that address the following:

1. The author(s) and Ethos: why they are qualified

2. The need or problem

3. Show how the proposal solves the need or problem and that the proposal is feasible.


"The Right Way to Boycott the Beijing Olympics" by Mitt Romney, The New York Times, March 15, 2012

Mitt Romney is a U. S. senator from Utah and was President and C.E.O. of the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee for the Olympic And Paralympic Winter Games of 2002. Senator Romney argues that the Chinese Communist Party does not deserve to host the Winter games next February because it "reneged on its agreement to allow Hong Kong self-rule"; suppressed peaceful demonstrators and arrested respected journalists, and worst of all committed atrocities against the Uigurs, including genocide, rape, sterilization and forced imprisonment into labor and concentration camps. However, Senator Romney does not propose that the United States boycott the Olympic Games. He gives several reasons for this: the athletes don't deserve to miss their chance to compete, the Olympic spirit is symbolically important, and China would end up with more medals at the expense of the United States. Instead, Senator Romney proposes an economic and diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics. American spectators should stay home and deny China the economic revenue gained from hosting the Olympics and encourage other countries to also stay home. This solution preserves the future of the Olympic Games while punishing the Chinese government.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Op-Ed Proposal argument
Title: How to Protect Massage Workers
Author: Elena Shih
The publication: The New York Times
Date: March 26, 2021
Elena Shih is a scholar in sociology and specializes in the study of human trafficking and sex work. She is also an outreach organizer with Red Canary Song.
The author argues that the law that is supposed to protect massage workers only works to hurt them. It is biased against massage businesses primarily run by migrant Asian workers because they see them as harbors for human trafficking activities. The author considers the violence against and the surveillance of migrant massage workers as discriminative as it borders along racial, gender, work type, and immigration status lines. This surveillance and policing of Asian massage parlors have led to the criminalization of massage workers, most of who...
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