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Proposal for Action research paper

Essay Instructions:
This is a 2 part paper. the first part is the proposal and the second part is the paper itself. The second part will follow in a seperate order, however It would be benefitial for the same writer to do both. The proposal is almost like an application form. There are different sections that need to be filled in. You are to fill out pages 6 to 10....the first 5 pages are just information There is also a 4 page checklist which should accompany it. Background/Rational of the topic I have chosen is: I noticed on numerous occasions during free time, that some of these children (in a kindergarten classroom) were bored with nothing to do. It began to make me think about why they are feeling this way, why nothing in the classroom seems to strike their attention? And what we as educators can do to ensure a well balanced experience in the classroom? From here I was able to propose the following questions: How can we ensure the environment is supportive of children's learning? How can we build an environment that is constantly stimulating children's curiosity? How can we ensure children are getting the most out of their classroom experience? How can design the environment to be more inviting to children's interests, curiosity and love for play? I will also upload acouple powerpoints that will help in the application and in the essay portions. There will be some parts that you will not be able to fill out such as student name, number, personal information, So i would advice you to highlight that area so that I can fill it out when it is returned to me. please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Just to let you know the second part of this paper, can not be started until the proposal is approved, at which point I will email you back with further instructions. The second part will be due roughly 4 weeks after the approval. I will also upload samples and other resources to help with that process... I will upload a powerpoint sample to help with the proposal. This site will help as well http://literacy(dot)kent(dot)edu/Oasis/Pubs/0200-08.htm again if you have any questions please feel free to contact me
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Literature and language
Research proposal
Research proposal
Problem background
The research background or the aspects which brought about the research need may be put to light as follows. I realized in many occasions that some children within kindergarten classroom had nothing to involve themselves in within their free time (Cohen, 2000). They were just bored and had nothing they would undertake to keep them busy or interested with the environment they were in. This made me eager to find out reasons for their exhibited feelings, why the classroom seemed to have nothing to attract their attention. I really felt the need for finding out ways through which we as their educators would undertake towards the noticed problem for the purpose of ensuring that a properly balanced classroom experience would be realized.
From the experience I had with the situations which the children went through, I felt the need for making various findings. For instance, I felt the need to find out ways through which favorable environment which would prop up children learning would be attained. This would help in ensuring that boredom within classes is done away with, which would enable students to grow all round.
Secondly, I saw the necessity of finding out ways through which environments which were persistently stimulating curiosity exhibited by children would be realized (Cohen, 2000). For the realized situation to be effectively resolved, I felt that there was the need for ways to be sought which would ensure that children’s interests would met through suitable environment design.
The need for finding out ways which would ensure that desirable environments are created for children within kindergarten classroom for the purpose of doing away with the noticed boredom steered the need for research to be undertaken which lead to realization of suitable solutions (Cohen, 2000).
The question
The question which the research would try to answer may be put to light as follows. What are the most suitable ways of ensuring that suitable environments are put up within classroom in kindergarten to ensure that they become interesting to students at all times?
Project benefits
The project is very beneficial due to the fact that it would bring about suitable ways which individuals would be able to use for the purpose of eliminating boredom within kindergarten classroom (Cohen, 2000). It is apparent that most children are usually bored in cases whereby free time in class is experienced. This is due to the fact that they seem not to have any aspects within the class which may keep them lively and interested in various aspects. For children to ...
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