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Project Portfolio for E-portfolio

Essay Instructions:


This assignment is building on the introduction to e-porfolios that I presented in our class lectures. The proposal will be the first part of your project to compile and prepare an e-portfolio which records your academic and professional achievements and which you can use as you begin your job search upon graduation.

For this proposal assignment, you will also learn, practice and apply the following:

  • Analytical thinking and reading
  • Your research and writing skills
  • Write clear descriptions and explanations
    • Thinking about how to design and present your material so that it is clear and easy for readers to understand
    • Self-assessing your writing and using your assessment to guide improvements in your work. 


The purpose of the proposal is to familiarize yourself with E-portfolios and to research and plan for the final E-portfolio assignment which is due at the end of term. 


1. Research and propose your platform choice.

Step 1: Research and evaluate the available platforms which are most often used to house an e-portfolio. Provide a References list with the sources you have used to review the possible platforms. Your list should have a minimum of 3 citations in APA format.

Step 2: Present your research findings in a comparative table. Present a comparison between at least TWO different platforms, highlighting the strengths and gaps.

Step 3: Write a short paragraph outlining which of the platforms you have chosen to use for the final e-portfolio. Be sure to explain why you have chosen this platform. 

2. Gathering requirements.

Step 1: Review and evaluate other e-portfolios using this link: https://www.jelizabethclark.com/eportfolio-examples

Step 2: Choose TWO e-portfolios that you consider to be strong examples that you would like to use as models for your final project.

Step 3: Provide the links to these two choices and write a 150-250 word evaluation, highlighting why you consider these two examples to be strong.

3. Conclusions: Your written plan and rationale.

Step 1: Write a 2-page proposal and rationale (300-400 words) to explain how you will apply what you have learned about e-portfolios in class as well as in your research conducted in Parts 1 and 2 of this assignment.

Your plan and rationale should address how you envision the final e-portfolio project and should demonstrate how you are incorporating the research that you have done in Parts 1 and 2 here. Be sure to provide a cogent, focused and concise response to this part of the assignment.

Be sure to answer the following questions:

-          How will your decisions to apply these concepts make your final e-portfolio more compelling?

-          What artifacts will you be including in your final e-portfolio and why?

-          What are you proposing to exclude from your final e-portfolio and why?

-          How will you ensure that your final e-portfolio appeals to your audience?

-          What can you start doing now to make the final e-portfolio assignment easier?

-          Is there any training that you need to do to use the platform that you have chosen?

Self-assess your draft

Refer to General guidelines and evaluation criteria described in the course outline.

Please use this checklist to self-assess (and if necessary, revise) your draft before you submit it.

☐Have you answered all the assignment tasks?

☐Did you respond to the instructions for each part accurately and thoughtfully?

☐Did you give careful consideration to the types of research sources used here?

☐Was your answer organized and presented effectively?

☐Was your answer expressed clearly for an intelligent, interested reader?

☐Did you check for and correct spelling / correct words, and make sure that your sentences made sense?

☐Is your submission well designed?

Appendix A: General guidelines and evaluation criteria

How will my work be graded?

We will use the following evaluation criteria to distinguish the characteristics of work at different levels of quality and to help diagnose the kinds of strategies you need to focus on to improve your future work:

Response to instructions: Please make sure your work responds to the tasks outlined in your assignment instructions. It is essential to respond accurately and to all parts of the tasks outlined in the assignment instructions! This is the first and most basic criteria I will use to evaluate your work, so please identify and check your answers carefully before you submit your work!

Development of content (relevance, completeness, appropriate detail, thoughtful analysis) Organization:

Is appropriate material included and structured effectively (e.g. according to the conventions of a specific genre) and

Are ideas, points etc. organized in a clear and logical sequence that is clear and makes sense to readers?

Clarity and coherence (is the use of language / visuals easy for readers to understand and accessible to diverse readers?)

Attention to conventions for using sources/language (referencing, proofreading tools and strategies)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Portfolio for E-portfolio
Student's Name
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Date Project Portfolio for E-portfolio Typically, an e-portfolio is used to plan to learn, and it depends on the target audience; and there are three types of portfolios: assessment, development, and showcase portfolios. and are the most incredible e-portfolios. The goals of an e-portfolio are to help learners gather and evaluate skills. E-portfolios also allow students to gauge the previous experience. The above links provide E-portfolios samples that can help students assess and explore both current and prior experiences. For example, Shanna Hunsaker's e-portfolio gives a simple outline on how to evaluate skills. Notably, this particular portfolio is simple and easy to use. Therefore, it would be easy to plan and demonstrate previous skills appropriately. Furthermore, the capstone e-portfolio is set in a unique landscape, giving students easy time to explore topics. It provides step-by-step guidance on every chapter and topics to be covered in every topic giving learners an overview of what to expect in the next class.  Moreover, I would consider them because they provide a great reflection on previous lessons covered, giving students an easy time demonstrating their experience. Both e-portfolios reflect brevity and well structured, which essential to enhance the learning experience. They provide clear and precise information to students making the learning process easy (Elsevier, 2005). Rationale and Proposal A good e-portfolio should be reflective, and therefore, the construction concepts will make it more compelling and productive. Additionally, it (e-portfolio) should be evaluative since it makes it easy to achieve the set objectives. The proposal should be clear and straightforward, just like the capstone e-portfolio sample. Some of the artifacts that I intend to add to the final project include samples of ...
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