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Program Evaluation Plan Part 3: Communicating Results

Essay Instructions:

Program Evaluation Plan Part 3: Communicating Results


Program Evaluation Plan Part 3: Communicating Results Scoring Guide.

APA Style and Format.

iGuide: ePortfolio.

Unit 10 Assignment Template.

For the course project, you have been assuming the role of a consultant who has been hired to develop a plan for an evaluation of a clinical mental health counseling program. Remember, you are creating a fictitious but plausible program with hypothetical stakeholders, clients, interventions, and measures. The purpose of the proposed evaluation is to guide program improvements and document progress toward the program's mission and goals.

Your assignment in Unit 4 was to create an introduction, a description of the program to be evaluated, and the results of your hypothetical needs assessment.

Your assignment In Unit 8 was to establish your research base for the program evaluation by reviewing published evaluations and relevant research, and then to decide on a model of evaluation you plan to use in your program evaluation. The assignment also included a discussion of ethical standards and culturally sensitive strategies.

For this final assignment, complete your evaluation plan with recommendations for how the program could be improved and research in counseling could be advanced in the future. You should synthesize your recommendations and requirements for the program evaluation you are proposing and describe how you will present and disseminate the findings of your evaluation.


To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you must include the following sections for Part 3:

Title Page.

Communicating Results to Counselors and Colleagues (approximately one page).

Communicating Results to Stakeholders (approximately one page).

Ethical and Cultural Considerations When Communicating Results (approximately one page).

Using Results to Improve the Program (approximately one page).

Using Results to Advance the Counseling Field (approximately one page).


Additionally, your paper must:

Be a total of 5–7 pages of text (excluding the title page and the references page).

Include scholarly references to support your ideas about research on the kind of program you are evaluating (population, clinical focus, counseling approach), and program evaluation procedures (program evaluation model, needs assessment, ethical and cultural considerations).

Be free from errors that detract from the message.

Be written in third person.

Use current APA style and formatting throughout.

Be in Times New Roman, 12-point font.

Make sure to use the template (link in Resources) for this assignment.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.

The attachment will be information that can be used but make sure its not written exactly-plagarisma

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Program evaluation plan
Communicating results to counselors and colleagues
Communication is an important process applied by each individual when rendering a project or an activity. This is because it seeks to establish rapport with the counselors to ensure that they can engage in an action plan to participate to a mental health counseling program result. Counselors are sometimes regarded as the leaders of the activity where they need updates regarding the progress of the communication plan and results of the activity. Creating an implied communication material will be the main initiative basis of the activity to ensure that the involved parties will have a formal way of engaging in the same activity such as communicating. Informing the counselor regarding the date, name of the program, duration, and the specific breakdown of activities so that they will be able to be informed regarding the procedures that will be undertaken during an activity (Radhakrishna&Satya-Rau, 2015).
Communicating results to the colleagues will involve similar tasks with the counselor. However, each colleague is assigned with different responsibility. This is to inform the colleague on a specific issue that are relevant to their activity such as deadline, duration, the time that they will be applying their therapeutic activity, and the documentation. This is to create a synchronized plan to sustain the efficiency of the mental health counseling program towards the patient. Coordinating with the colleagues to form a different mental health counseling program ensures that there is a systematic presentation of the counseling procedure to create a concise procedure with the patients. Reviewing documented activities highlights the strengths of the procedure with the colleague as well as allowing each participant to observe and verbalize the strengths and the weaknesses (Zuckermann, 2015).
Communication Results to Stakeholders
The main goal of communicating to stakeholders is to gain awareness regarding an activity or an issue that affects their duties and responsibilities. These are issues that stimulate workplace productivity wherein information are conveyed through the application of mass announcement. Initiating communication with the stakeholders is usually done through a memorandum by the personnel in charge of engaging a communicative application of standards, procedures, and interventions of relevant activities. The stakeholder will be informed when they will notice something on their bulletin board or social media websites, and through text messaging to all involved and authorized stakeholders. In this way, there is an informal announcement applied by the initiating officer or personnel who want to establish an initial communication system with their organization (Kim, et al., 2016).
The result of communication to the stakeholder is the cooperation. This is because participation is one of the most important considerations for a person to become productive with their actions and productivity wherein they are going to engage in a certain outcome that fulfills the general interest of the company. Trust is the most desired issue after engaging in a communicative activity with the stakeholder. This is after there is a common understanding of a certain procedure or a plan that have been learned, which is all about the affairs of the operating institution or agency. For this regard, trust enhances credibility and unity between stakeholders to cooperate with the intentions to fulfill all practices to achieve one common goal. For this reason, proposed plans will have a more productive outcome between the involved stakeholders because they are aware that trust and unity has been applied and adjusted within the organization (Rayton, et al., 2012).
Ethical and Cultural considerations
For the ethical considerations, this focuses on the roles and responsibilities of a stakeholder. This implies with the implementation of rules and regulations that plays an important role in controlling all operations of the organization to prevent any risks or threats that may impact the productivity of the institution. In this process, the essence of discipline is always applied because it ensures that the credibility of the organization manages its sense of having a responsible mode of conduct while practically fulfilling the goals and aspirations of the working institution. The significance of jurisprudence to every practice ensures that the individual becomes aware about the consequences of every unethical procedure or behavior that was applied towards other stakeholders as well as with the operating institution.
The cultural consideration reflects the demographic status of the organization. This includes the religion, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, and age that is associated with the working environment, the community, as well as the place where stakeholders came from. Respect is the most important consideration with regards to the cultural norm of the organization involved. Breaking down to the stakeholder, each indivi...
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