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Process Essay: New Employees Guide in Sorting Letters for Receiving

Essay Instructions:

You are facing a particular scenario as a writer. You have a new colleague who is having trouble following a particular procedure in your workplace. Your supervisor asks you to write a process essay that would help this new employee and could be used in the future for other new employees. Your supervisor would like to make your essay a part of the “welcome” manual at your job. For the assignment, you may choose the procedure. Your task is to write a clear essay that flows well and describes the procedure or process in a way that would make sense to someone new. It is important to keep your audience in mind as you write, since you may know the procedure well, but your audience does not.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Writing a Process Essay
Your name
September 8, 2016
Your Institution of Affiliation
New Employees guide in Sorting Letters for Receiving
Good day,
Welcome to our humble workplace. As you already know, we are working in the magazine industry. Our daily lives revolve around writing and reading all sorts of ideas, opinions, and information on all kinds of things so that it can fuel the ‘writer in us.' However, we should also give our thanks to those who write letters to us, giving ideas about prospective articles and topics that we can write about. Aside from this, I would also like to remind you that the company also conduct a lot of deals and negotiations through the mail. For the reasons stated above, it is unsurprising that we receive hundreds – if not thousands – of letters every day coming from all around the globe. Thus, for the sake of proper bookkeeping and legal purpose employees of this company are all expected to able to help in sorting these mails and not make the job even more challenging. As said briefly in the New Writers Orientation (NWA), an employee should be careful and conscious of what he does with the letters that the company receives. This is added to the clause that “no employee must open any letter, aside from the Editor-in-chief, unless given the permission and the right reason.”
As you can see in our Mailing box, we have two separate compartments; one named ‘Out-going’ and ‘In-coming.' As you already know (which I am quite sure of) the first one are for th...
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