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Pro's And Con's Of Hunting Research Assignment

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Pro’s and Con’s Of Hunting
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Pro’s and Con’s Of Hunting
1.0 Introduction
Hunting refers to pursing or tracking animals with an intention of trapping or killing the animals. Hunting is mainly done by human beings in order to provide food, recreate and trade or to get rid of predators that pose danger to human beings and domestic animals. However, there is a difference between lawful hunting and poaching which is illegal killing or trapping of specific animals species. However, hunting is controversial since it poses as a hobby and a crime and in some countries it is undertaken as a recreational activity while in some countries it is illegal. Hunting is dated back during the Stone Age when human beings had not discovered any other source of human food apart from predation. In the modern society, there are people who hunt as a hobby although in most parts of the world it is illegal. Hunting is associated with extinction of some species of animals in the world and there are some endangered species of animals such as tigers and lions as they are poached to provide game trophies because of their skin. However, hunting elicits a debate between the hunters and animal rights advocates on whether it’s advantageous or disadvantageous to the society. According to the debate between the hunters and the animal rights advocates, hunting poses some benefits and also poses potential dangers. Therefore, some people support hunting while other strongly opposes hunting and they advocate for banning of hunting (Lovett, 2011).
2.0. Pros of hunting
The people who argue that hunting is acceptable give different arguments that support the activity. First, they argue that hunting provides food for human consumption as well as other materials. Some people do hunting as a hobby but the fact is that the animals that are killed are consumed as food for human beings. The meat from the animals killed is processed and packed for human consumption while some body parts of the killed animals can be used in various ways depending on the species. For example, fur from some animals such as deer and feathers from some species of birds are used in the textile industry. Therefore, hunting is beneficial to human beings since it’s a source of food and other products used by human beings (Black, 2013).
The second pro of hunting is that it helps to control the population of animals and avoid overpopulation. When a certain species of animals increase in numbers in a certain habitat, they eventually exhaust the food resources in the habitat and this leads to starvation and eventual death of the animals. However, in search for food, the animals may migrate to other areas and this can lead to major problems such as human-wildlife conflict in cases where they invade farms and destroy crops. Therefore, hunting can help in controlling the population of animals in a safe and regulated way and avoid problems caused by animal overpopulation (Black, 2013).
The third argument to support hunting is that it provides outdoor pleasure to the hunters since it is a recreational activity. Hunting enables people to stay outdoors for long time and this provides fun and educational elements. Therefore, the outdoor activity such as hunting helps an individual gather great knowledge of nature and the outdoors on how to survive in the wild. The knowledge gained can be very invaluable at some point in life and this is an advantage of hunting as the person acquires survival skills (Black, 2013).
The fourth argument that supports hunting is that it has economical value to the society. Through hunting, the hunters and sportsmen donate a huge amount of money to help in improving wildlife and the environment sanctuaries. Some animal parts such as teeth, tasks and skin have high monetary value and these helps in improving the economic statu...
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