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Pride and Prejudice: An Astute Snapshot of Regency Era Society

Essay Instructions:


You will write one analytic essay over the course of the semester. The essay will be worth 100 points. In the syllabus under textbooks, students are asked to choose one novel to read and then write an analysis using the criteria listed below. If you have a novel, you would rather read, you may get permission to do so, but it must be considered a classic.

Please do not choose a novel you have read, or written about previously. The analytic response must include the following:

 Title page including your name, my name, the date, and a creative title, not the title of the works you are discussing.

 Essay should be 5 – 8 pages in length – double-spaced (not including the title page or reference page). Essays which are shorter than 800 words will be docked 10 points.

 Must begin with a single paragraph of summary in your own words. Use this paragraph to define major ideas, identify author and title, and to summarize the development of major ideas.

 Must develop connections between this reading and other works or concepts we’ve discussed throughout the semester. This may include comparisons with art work, other readings, or class lecture material. What major ideas are being explored here, and what makes the perspective/argument/plot/characterization of this author unique? Is this work representative of its time period? How?

 Must relate the ideas expressed in this book to our own world and time. Are these ideas foreign to us? Are they pretty common? Are they still a subject for argument/conversation/art/politics/literature? How can you tell? Be specific.

 Should include and explain at least three specific quotations which illustrate the issues you’re highlighting. You may wish to choose quotations that use intriguing phrasing, that state an important idea, or that articulate a point of controversy. (Quotations do not get better by being longer, but by being well chosen.)

 Must comment on the value and/or belief system reflected in themes and characters represented in the novel. Do the values and beliefs coincide with the values and beliefs of the setting and time period presented in the work?

 Should be coherent, organized, free of major spelling/grammar errors, and appropriate use of APA format.

 Must be submitted to the BS Dropbox by scheduled due date.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pride and Prejudice: An Astute Snapshot of Regency Era Society
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Pride and Prejudice: An Astute Snapshot of Regency Era Society
Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, published in 1813. The novel is set in the Regency era in England and follows the lives of the Bennet family, specifically the five daughters: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia. The Bennets are a lower-class family whose mother's main goal is to find suitable husbands for their daughters before their father's death, and the entailment of their estate transfers to a certain appalling Mr. Collins - a clergyman and their cousin. The novel begins with the anticipated arrival of Mr. Charles Bingley, a wealthy young gentleman, to the nearby estate of Netherfield Park, who, following Mrs. Bennet's designs, soon falls in love with the firstborn daughter, Jane. Mr. Bingley is accompanied by his best friend, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Elizabeth herself takes an instant dislike to the proud and aloof Mr. Darcy, whom the entire neighborhood alike soon dislikes. However, as the story progresses, Elizabeth begins to realize that first impressions are not always accurate and that there is more to Mr. Darcy than meets the eye. Things become further complicated when Lydia, one of the younger Miss Bennets, suddenly becomes engaged to Mr. Wickham, a man of dubious character who has been running away from his debts. The novel certainly, does not end there. As the various characters intersect and collide with one another, the story unfolds into a complex web of love, revenge, heartbreak, and misunderstanding. Ultimately, it is this intricate web of human emotion that makes Pride and Prejudice such a compelling read. Some of the main ideas in the novel include the illusory nature of first impressions and the importance of family and reputation. However, Austen dwells, to a great deal, on the dynamics of society during the era in which the setting takes place and the role of women in that society. Austen tackles ideas such as ownership of property and inheritance and the expectations placed on women to marry well to maintain or improve their social status. In a time when women had little control over their lives, Austen's heroine, Elizabeth Bennet, is a breath of fresh air. She is intelligent, outspoken, and unafraid to stand up for her beliefs. This strength of character endears her to the reader and makes her a compelling protagonist. Despite writing the novel at a time when romanticism was in full swing, Austen's portrayals of human emotion and interaction take on a more realist bent than a romantic one. Although women are idealized to some degree, they are still portrayed as individuals with flaws and strengths, just like the men in the novel. Ultimately, Austen's story is a great snapshot of society, its values, and the role of women during the Regency era.
As mentioned earlier, despite the author writing the novel at a time when literary romanticism was in full swing, Austen's work was quite prudent in applying the style that characterized most works that came out of the movement. Literary romanticism is distinctively marked with a celebration of nature, melancholy, and solitude, an emphasis on spirituality, the individual, and the common person, as well as the idealization of women. However, Austen seems to fall prey only to the latter characteristic and only to some degree insofar as to represent society's idealization of women as it truly was in the story's setting. In as far as the descriptions of women characters in the story go, Austen only goes as far as to describe them in as realistic a manner as possible. Some characters, like Mrs. Bennet and Miss Bingley, are written to have a bit of a reductionist and extreme idealization of women on both the negative and positive. For instance, Mrs. Bennet appears to only conceive of women's value based on their beauty and suitability for marriage and never their wits or abilities. Her view of Lady Lucas (according to the narrator) sums it all very well: “Lady Lucas was a very good kind of woman, not too clever to be a valuable neighbor [sic] to Mrs. Bennet” (Austen, n.d., p. 11). Furthermore, she thought of Lady Lucas's daughters as not handsome enough to be suitable for a hand in marriage. But except for such rare descriptions of women, Austen strived to make her descriptions of her female characters as bare as possible, inducing a revolting affect here and pleasant one another place.
Indeed, Austen's Pride and Prejudice conforms more to the realist literary movement than to romanticism. The novel dwells primarily on the mundane stories of the common everyday man and strives to represent them in as much detail as possible. The story engagingly takes the reader through the various characters and their everyday lives rather than relying on melodramatic events to drive the plot. The result is a novel that feels more like an extended essay or diary entries of many different people rather than a single story with a simple beginning and end. In addition, Austen uses internal monologue, another hallmark of realist literature, to further explore and dissect the thoughts and feelings of her characters. The third-person omniscient narrator's point of view allows Austen to explore her characters' thoughts and feelings without biases or judgments. This is a great technique for Austen as she wants her readers to feel like they are right there in the room with her characters, witnessing and understanding their thoughts and emotions. Austen's use of realism in Pride and Prejudice is especially evident in her depiction of women. Mrs. Bennet, for example, is written a...
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