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Prayer Assignment: Connection With God And Others

Essay Instructions:


1. Each student will submit THREE​ prayers. These can be original or selected from a source, or a mix of both.

If you select a prayer from a source, you must include the author of the prayer. Also, be sure to choose one that means something to you (perhaps one that brings you joy or comfort, or one that inspires you).

Prayers must be at least 40 words, max 250.

2. Write a minimum of one paragraph (at least 100 words) ​describing why you wrote or chose these prayers. (What inspired you to write them? If you chose them, what do you like about them? What do they mean to you? How do they help you connect with God or others?)

3. This assignment may be handwritten or typed. Resources above photo.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Prayer Assignment Author Name University Name Prayer 1 O God, I seek your mercy and forgiveness for what I know and what I don’t know. You are the only one who can forgive all my sins and make my way to the heaven. I know nothing but bowing to you and seeking your love. Prayer 2 Love seems to be absent in this world, and that’s why I ask God to bless us in all possible ways and enable us to love each other. Without love and affection, this world is nothing but a useless and meaningless place to live in. Prayer 3 Just because tensions are everywhere, I cannot say that I have lost my peace of mind. In fact, I know that God is looking at me and helping me from the distant skies. It is because of Almighty that I am capable of dealing with all challenges and can maintain my peace of mind. Discussion The first prayer allows us to seek God’s mercy beautifully and impressively. I have used unique words and depicted my message beautifully, giving an impression that God wil...
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