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Places I Have Lived In USA Writing Assignment Paper

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I have the out line already. All I need is the essay using my outline. I will be sending the out line on my email.
Dear Madam/sir,
Here is my outline I want you to use for my essay.
The places I lived in USA are Michigan, Alabama and California.
Characteristic#1 Alabama's weather is humid and generally manageable.
Example 1: Though temperature depended on the season, it never dropped much below 30 degrees F.
Example 2:There were challenges, such as hurricanes, but there were warning systems.
Analysis: Alabama's weather was humid and more favorable's weather. Though we had hurricanes, at least we were able to protect ourselves when we were told to vacant the area. This is contrast to Michigan, where there was no announcement to vacant the area. Furthermore, In Alabama, we had less health issues due to the weather than we did in Michigan.
Characteristic #2 Alabama's cultural customs were easier to acclimate to than Michigan's.
Example 1: Causal greetings, eye contact, gestures of kindness.
Example 2: People in Alabama take time to get to know strangers.
Analysis: The people in the South are more people oriented than the Northerners. With regard to causal greetings, people in the South like handshakes. They also like spending more time with strangers so that they can know where they are coming from. People in the South ask everyone if they need help while they are with them. This different from in Michigan, where people are less likely to spend time on strangers.
Characteristic #3 Alabama's food and tradition around food were easier to adjust to than Michigan's
Example 1: Local Southern traditional foods like cornbread were delicious.
Example 2: Food was an avenue for social interaction.
Analysis: In Alabama, sharing meals to strangers helped us make new friends. More people offered us invitations to eat with them than in Michigan. It also helped us that we found Southern food like cornbread and barbecue more favorable than the types of food people ate in Michigan.
Characteristic #1: California's weather is generally warm winters and cool summers.
Example 1: It is sunny, not too windy, and rarely any inclement weather such as snow.
Example 2: The temperature can get very hot, over 100 degrees F, but rarely gets lower than 40 degrees F.
Analysis: The weather in California gets scary at times, even though it is often very favorable and sunny. California has a lot of earthquakes and wild bush fires, especially in comparison to Michigan. Even though Michigan had its own weather , I actually prefer Michigan's weather over California's due to the danger presented by earthquakes and natural fires. Despite the wild fires and earthquakes, their are still other things about California that outweigh this point and make it so that, in overall, I would rather live in California than in Michigan.
Characteristic # 2: California's cultural customs were easier to acclimate than Michigan's.
Example 1: California is is very diverse. People who live in California come from all parts of the world.
Example 2: People act in many different ways in California, in general they are friendlier than in Michigan.
Analysis: People in California are a bit accommodating. You find that if you are lucky, you can find someone you can call a friend- someone you can share your problems and joys with. This is in contrast to Michigan, where people keep to themselves and are always busy with their own life schedules. Because California is so diverse, and because people act in so many different ways, you can sometimes find someone with whom you share a cultural background or who will be understanding to your outlook on life.
Characteristic #3: California's food is local and there is a wide selection of organic produce.
Example 1: There is a lot of agriculture in California, and you can easily see the farms and food being grown in fields wherever you go.
Example 2: In California grocery stores, there is more organic food than in any other areas.
Analysis: California reminds me of my home country Zambia where we grow more organic products. This is unlike Michigan where you just buy food without knowledge of where the food is coming from. I find that organic foods sometimes taste better, and they they offer benefits to health because they are grown with with fewer chemicals. Personally, this easy access to local organic foods is a huge benefit to living in California. Health food is one the most important aspects of life.

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Places I Have Lived In USA
I have lived in Alabama, California and Michigan, the weather and...
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