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Personal Drugs Experience and Thoughts in the Past and Present Times

Essay Instructions:

You will need to compose a 5 page paper describing your thoughts, experiences, education, concerns, hopes, and questions about your own self pertaining to drugs, alcohol, behavior and health in your past, present, and future self. Essentially, you will need to think about anything in your past that has had in impact, either positive or negative, that has affected yourself up until today relating to drugs, alcohol for example, maybe you were brought up in a strict family with very little education and answers relating to drugs and alcohol how has this impacted your past self? Next, you will focus on your current, present day experiences and relationships. What is going on right now in your life that you may have a addressed about that may need to be addressed or answered. Are you now having right surrounding you with the like like- minded friends who want to remain sober but yet they w ant to engage in drug and alcohol behavior? Are you in a relationshipand your partner is abusing drugs and it is impacting your current self? Finally, the paper with what you want your future self to look like in regards to drugs and alcohol and the comfort level with how to deal with the topic of drugs and alcohol and how it plays out in your future relationships, self and care of your own body and mind. For example occasionally I smoke cigarettes and smoke marijuana and I would hope that my future self accepts my behavior and my future relationships are not impacted by the choices that I make with drugs and alcohol.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection on personal drugs experience and thoughts
The current sociocultural environment has been a combination of various processes and issues that over time, have made the society what it is. Like the processes of weathering and rebuilding, these processes have molded the society and everyone in it. I also hold this as true fr myself. Having been brought up in the same environment, I have experienced quite a lot of things, right from an early age. These experiences have altogether played a role in ensuring I am who I am today. However, the critical aspect of it is that there are particular issues which might not be too good of an experience for me or others. While I might have managed to maneuver successfully through, some of my friends fell for the trap.
Like salesmen who are always knocking at the door, drug abuse is an issue that has been around for quite a while. It seems like it is becoming stronger with the growing population, gaining sophistication, too. Although drug abuse may be an issue that affects a person individually or something that one can just hear on the news, there is no denying that everyone has a story to tell about drug abuse? Personally, I have sad thoughts and experiences regarding drugs. Although I was not an active drug addict, the most important people in my life were drug addicts. As earlier mentioned, I might have been the lucky one to evade the trap of drugs and drug addiction, as much of my childhood was punctuated by friends who were into it. This habit has escalated into my present life and sometimes I think of it as a punishment from God. In this paper, I seek to describe my personal thoughts, experiences, and education pertaining drugs.
Past history of drugs
I sometimes think that my childhood was taken directly from a blockbuster movie. I was born and brought up in China, a nation that I can consider to be very culturally conservative,compared to the U.S. It is therefore expected that vices to do with drug abuse are very minimal. This is not the case however, as there exist a great number of drug addicts in the country. Most Chinese towns are littered with small pockets of backstreet clubs and casinos tat constitute a fertile ground for thriving drug business. Almost everybody in these backstreets was a “druggie.” I remember passing by the streets and witnessing the ugly effects of drugs on my peers and their parents. Bright and promising youngsters turned into zombies, quite literally. The part that makes me grieve up to today is the death of my uncle together with his entire family.
My uncle, who lived a few blocks from us, was no exception to drug use. He was extremely consumed by drugs that he used to beat his wife and son every day. I remember frequently sharing my room with his son after my uncle had locked himself inside the house. One evening, he was found dead in a nightclub that was a few kilometers from our home. According to the police, his death was caused by an overdose of mandrax, which he had supplemented with some illegal alcohol spirits. His son could not put up with the incident and over-dosed himself with cocaine. His wife hanged herself after she realized she had just lost her entire family. This was a whole family lost in just one day due to drugs. A tragic chain of events right there.
The unfortunate incident that happened to my uncle’s family really broke me. I developed a hatred towards drugs, although I was not sure what exactly drugs were. However, I was lucky to have a mo...
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