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PEN-3 Completion and Reflection

Essay Instructions:

PEN-3 Completion and Reflection
In Part 1 of this assignment, you will use the outline you created in the Module 4 Application to develop a paper addressing the results of the PEN-3 Model assessment of the culturally specific target population and related health issue. In Part 2, you will reflect on behavioral diversity and its impact on health and wellness.
Develop a 5-page paper in a Word document for your response. Use APA format. Include both Parts 1 and 2 in one paper.
Create a title page and references page in APA format.
Part 1: PEN-3 Model Completion
Use the outline you created in the Module 4 Application, and develop a paper addressing the results of the PEN-3 Model assessment of the culturally specific target population and related health issue.
Write an introduction for your paper introducing the target population, the health issue, and a brief summary of the PEN-3 Model findings.
Conclude your paper with an explanation of what you can do, as a health educator, to tailor a message about the health issue to the target population and collaborate with and motivate the population to implement a behavioral change. Also explain how you might help the population adhere to and sustain the health behavior change over time.
Part 2: Reflection on Behavioral Diversity
Locate and identify in the literature three examples of behavioral diversity related to health and wellness issues and outcomes. From each example, identify the target populations, compare and contrast the health behaviors, and reflect on the need for health educators to take a personal and individual approach to each case.

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PEN-3 Completion and Reflection
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PEN-3 Completion and Reflection
Part 1: Completion and Reflection
PEN-3 model has developed into vital health promotion and disease prevention framework. This is model now has various uses as it allows examination of several behavioral factors within cultures by health educators. Since the model was created, it has been used for diabetes prevention, assessing diabetes knowledge, managing Diabetes, breast cancer self-examination, malaria treatment, and many other interventions in different populations. Utilizing a framework that considers culture and other factors is essential as culture is a significant component of behavioral diversity (Westerman, 2010). The PEN-3 model consists of three domains: cultural identity, relationships, expectations, and cultural empowerment, each having three components that can be employed to assess behavioral factors surrounding diabetes prevalence among African Americans.
African Americans showcase varying characteristics in the PEN-3 model when assessing their understanding and perception of diabetes. African Americans rank highly in obesity trends, with 11.7% of the population having a positive diagnosis. In 2018, non-Hispanic blacks were twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to die from diabetes. African American adults also record a high obesity rate, with 60% more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes than whites. From the above data, cultural identity is a factor in understanding diabetes prevalence among African Americans. Principally, those with a positive history of diabetes view the Diabetes consequences as very severe due to immediate interaction with the family members suffering from the disease. Also, the extended family used active strategies to influence physical activity behaviors, and they employed direct influences in addressing diabetes among those affected. Neighborhood characteristics bear impacts on the prevalence of diabetes among African Americans. Neighborhoods should help reduce the rate at which African Americans develop diabetes by using policymakers to address environmental determinants of health problems. However, most African Americans live in less wealthy residential neighborhoods with limited access to healthcare facilities.
The prevalence and perceptions of diabetes among African Americans can also be explored through PEN-3 relationship expectations. The long-term complications of diabetes drive the perceptions. For instance, fatalism brought fear among communities, and they viewed diabetes as a deadly disease (Warzak et al., 2011). This made the people develop anxiety towards the condition and has got the urge to come up with solutions towards controlling the effects of diabetes. African Americans also showcase the expression of denial, acceptance, and hope resulting from the belief that diabetes is a deadly disease that one cannot survive. This has enabled many to cope with the disease positively. Also, the belief that diabetes is unavoidable and leads to death has permeated the prevention and treatment ideas among African Americans, negatively impacting African Americans as they develop awe and a sense of powerlessness.
African Americans have nurturers and enablers that define the scope of their perceptions on diabetes. Enablers constitute the tools that create a better understanding among various populations. One primary enabler presently is the growth in technological applications. People are using technologies to understand diabetes through diagnosis and management mechanisms better. Technological devices like mobile applications can self-manage diabetes, making the mobile app an enabler. The technical devices reinforce education to the African Americans affected by diabetes. Additionally, putting up institutions that educate people more on facts about diabetes has helped evade the myths among African Americans, thus changing their health behaviors positively. Additionally, putting up institutions that educate people more on facts about diabetes has helped evade the myths among African Americans, thus changing their health behaviors positively. It is also worth remarking that the government is implementing efforts to enhance access to healthcare by African Americans. That has improved the perceptions. In nurturers, the understanding that African Americans have lived with extensive exposure to diabetes implies their adaptation to the prospects (Lee et al., 2012). Also worth remarking is that there are role models in most health institutions who experience the effects of diabetes and guide people in the right way of living with diabetes. They nurture positive beliefs towards the audience they address, thus positively affecting the behavioral change of the African Americans towards diabetes.
Ultimately, African Americans are exposed to cultural empowerment in defining their perceptions and understanding of diabetes. One of the positive inputs is that African American culture embraces mostly reli...
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