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The Reading 59 Organizations Fighting Food Loss And Waste

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines for Response Essays

(With credit to Professors Linda Gordon and Daniel Walkowitz)


1. Passive voice obscures agency.

2. All pieces should address the argument and be connected.

3. Use direct, simple sentences.

4. Try to connect your personal experience with the class readings, either in support or


5. Don’t think because it’s short it can be sloppy. You should

-write a draft, then re-read and revise it.

-proofread: don’t rely on your spellcheck because it won’t pick up words left out, terrible

grammar, etc.

6. Don’t waste your time on empty sentences such as “One of the most interesting aspects

of book X is its discussion of Y theme” or “In Chapter 3, X writes about Y and Z themes”

or “The role of women and gender was of particular interest to me.” Make your first

sentence count, eg:

“The Culinary Triangle is a valuable, if flawed, concept that needs to be revised for the

modern era of food studies.”

“The strength of Bentley’s argument about ordered meals is clear in her analysis of the

Rockwell painting.”

7. Do develop ideas. “Development” in writing is not always an easy concept to get. It

generally means just thinking a bit more about the possible ramifications of what you’re

saying. Don’t just throw your opinion out there, explain how you came to that

realization/position/idea. Dig deeper when analyzing your ideas and the those of authors.

Read critically, think about what you’ve read, react; don’t summarize.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Response
Author Name
Institution Affiliation
Title of the Reading: 59 Organizations Fighting Food Loss and Waste
After reading this article, I got to know that the problems of food’s loss and its wastage have taken a serious form in recent years. Up to 1.3 billion tons of food is lost every year in fields like transportation, at restaurants and markets, as well as in industrial areas. Personally, I think that developed countries are mainly contributing to this problem since some 220 million tons of food is wasted by their citizens every year, which is a matter of great concern. Most recently, some businessmen, policymakers, researchers, and farmers have started paying attention to this problem. Organizations like 412 Food Rescue, Zero Percent, World Vegetable Center, The Garden of Eating, Stop Wasting Food, Second Bite, Salvation Farms, Lean Path, and Imperfect Produce are forefront in this regard. Some of them collect the waste food from here and there and dispose of it wisely, while the others are busy with running campaigns that are meant to let people know that food is a valuable asset.
If we will not play our individual role in saving it, then a day may come when we will have a short of food. In the Third World, people are already suffering from several medical conditions that are probably caused due to the lack of food. All human beings should learn a lesson from them and need to make the wise use of eatables and drinks so that some can be saved for those who do not have access to vegetables, fruits, and other eatables. Food is not only a basic requirement for human beings but also is needed by animals and plants, so we should start preserving it from now.
Title of the Reading: Working to Create A World Where Everyone Eats and Enjoys Healthy, Safe and Delicious Food
In this text, it is clearly written that only a few people are working hard to create a world where everyone has an easy access to foods. There is no denying that the survival of living things, including human beings, depends on whether or not healthy food is available to them. I have observed that in under-developed countries, it is too difficult for people to raise their families and to provide them with good and hygienic meals. In contrast, in developed countries like Canada, England, and the United States, peop...
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