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Organizational Behavior and Related Concepts

Essay Instructions:

1. What is organizational behavior? Provide a thorough response. What are the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to organizational behavior. Why are there so few absolutes in organizational behavior?

2. What is intellectual ability? what is the difference between physical and intellectual ability? Provide a detailed response.

3. What is job satisfaction? What are some of the major job attitudes and how do they impact job satisfaction? What are four employee responses toward dissatisfaction? Provide a thorough explaination of your answer.

4. What is emotional intelligence? How is EI (or known as EQ) different from IQ? What are the sources for emotions and moods? Provide a detail response.

5. What is perception? How is perception linked to decision making? Contrast the three ethical decision criteria. Provide a detailed response to these questions.

Please provide references under each question

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Organizational Behavior and Related Concepts
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Organizational Behavior and Related Concepts
Organizational Behavior
The sociologists of the 19th century brought forth the idea of organizational studies that subsequently led to the emergence of the concept of organizational behavior. According to van Knippenberg and Hogg (2017), organizational behavior (OB) can be defined as a discipline that is tasked with the understanding of the human aspect and the behavior of a human in an organizational setting. OB studies human behavior from an individual, group, or organizational point of view. OB is often regarded as multidisciplinary because it draws concepts from a wide range of disciplines, psychology, sociology, social psychology, political science, and anthropology playing a significant part (Kondalkar, 2020). Absolutes in OB context denotes the human behavior that gives the desired outcomes. Due to the wide range of complexities with human behaviors, it is then regarded that there are few absolutes in OB.
Kondalkar, V. G. (2020). Organizational behaviour. New Age.
van Knippenberg, D., & Hogg, M. A. (2017). Social identifications in organizationalbehavior. In The Self at Work (pp. 72–90). Routledge.
Intellectual Ability
In an organizational setting, the human resource is expected to perform two broad categories of tasks: physical tasks and task that necessitates cognitive thinking requiring physical skis and cognitive skills respectively (Kondalkar, 2020). The capacity of a person to perform activities that require the interventions of the cognitive functions can be termed as the intellectual ability (Kondalkar, 2020). Physical ability, on the other hand, refers to the human capability to perform a task that involves one’s physique and basic motor skills and is determined by how strong or agile a person is. The different strength factors that determine one’s physical ability include dynamic strength, trunk strength, static strength, and explosive strength (Kondalkar, 2020). Intellectual ability is the working of the mind whereas physical ability involves entire body movement.
Kondalkar, V. G. (2020). Organizational behaviour. New Age.
Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction represents the overall positive feeling that an employee develops in a workplace, taking into consideration the various external and internal influencing factors (Judge et al., 2017). In a work environment, employees can develop attitudes or feelings towards certain aspects of the work environment. Employees can either develop a positive or favorable attitude towards a work environment, in which case will result in overall job satisfaction. A negative attitude on the other hand results in job dissatisfaction. Hrprofessional (2018) identifies four distinct ways in which an employee can react in a case of job dissatisfaction: exit where one may quit their job, voice to represent a response where the employee speaks their views on the job dissatisfaction, loya...
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