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A Research Paper on a Moral Dilemma on the One-China Principle

Essay Instructions:

Look back at your recall of the biggest moral dilemma that you have ever faced and for which you lacked the moral courage to say anything to anyone (you journaled about this in Week 01).  To whom would you speak?  What would you say?  Provide a brief introduction that outlines the moral dilemma, to whom you would speak, and what you would say.  Drawing from at least three sources from this course, justify your strategy.  Then write a script that details the conversation that you imagine occurring between the other person and you (restrict your journal entry to 1 pages).


W1 Journal:


5.Recall the biggest moral dilemma that you have ever faced and for which you lacked the moral courage to say anything to anyone. It must have occurred (a) in the workplace, or (b) if you have never been employed, at school. It does not necessarily have to relate to a communication project in an organization. What was the challenge? For what reasons did you say nothing? Limit your response to 1 paragraph. 


A part of my work is to expand the Taiwan market. As we all heard about The One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue, though Cross-Strait links and trade had greatly improved, and there are positive developments in resolving these problems. I’m Chinese, I've been educated on The One-China principle, I understand and accept it well. But for Taiwanese, it is their self-identity and I think I should not force them to accept what we believe because moral education is different. We still can cooperate well as long as we understand different opinions and we do not offend each other. However, there are always colleagues in the workplace who do not accept the Taiwanese concept of self-perception, and I'm not allowed to discuss it with them in the workplace or have contrary opinions, otherwise, I may be judged as politically incorrect. That’s why I did not say anything and I think I will not say anything in the future because I don’t want to make any trouble.

Course sources(choose 3):


Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper on a Moral Dilemma on the
One-China Principle and the Taiwanese Concept of
May 2021
In life, we all have varying struggles and moral dilemma on certain issues that affect our lives and well-being. For this paper, I will discuss about the importance of the One China Policy and how Taiwanese friends have their own concept of truth concerning this matter. Oftentimes, we choose to stay silent rather than cause division or misunderstanding with friends. We would rather keep the friendship than have conversations in clarifying a topic that might turn into an argument (Ethics Defined, 2013). The One-China Policy is an act of acknowledgment that there is only one Chinese Government as opposed to what the Taiwanese are declaring. USA only admits and have formal ties with China because they think that Taiwan is a province of China that rebelled and broke away from the mainland. The Chinese government declares that Taiwan is a breakaway province and will be reunified with theirs cities in the near future. Taiwan could not accept this reasoning and believes that they are a diplomatic country and they stand independently (BBC, 2017).
Biggest Moral Dilemma I had to Face at the Workplace, To whom I would Speak and What Would I Say?
I have numerous Taiwanese colleagues and close friends although I am a Chinese and have good relations with them at my office. However, the moral dilemma is how our decisions as a...
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