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Ohnuki-Tierney 1973 Summary Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

The summary should identify the major thesis (or question/ topic) that the author presents as well as the evidence they present to support their thesis spell these out in the summary.

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Ohnuki-Tierney 1973 Summary
Ohnuki-Tierney 1973 Summary
The Sakhalin Ainu shamanism mainly concentrates on the analysis, healing, and cure of diseases. There is a significant belief that the shamans are at the sympathy of spirits which from time to time settle on possessing them. An example is that those people considered to be evil and are always engaging themselves in sorcery activities are believed to be not even aware of their practices until they are afterward given information about their possession by the responsible evil spirit. It is a belief among the Ainu that sorcerers are only located among the other groups of the Ainu and also other people but not amongst themselves. Reasons for illnesses are mostly blamed on dead men spirits possessing individuals or sometimes anger of the gods. Being an ethnic institution, the Sakhalin Ainu shamanism in many ways is peculiar, that is, it is the single most tradition that takes place inside a house at night instead of outside in the full glow of daylight. Also, it is the only custom where women can be the ones' in charge of the entire ritual.
Regardless of their gender, shamanistic practitioners referred to as just anyu. The word nupuru entails the characteristics of the gods of the Ainu people and to be specific the power they hold over the Ainu. An example is of Husko who fifteen years ago started having the desire to sing loudly every mid-afternoon about anything that came i...
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