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The Nutmeg's Curse

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Short Writing Assignments

Short writing assignment 1

1 Word limit: 400 words maximum

sentence or two from any part pf Ghosh's Chapters 1-4 (p. 1-62) that you thought was

Remember to use quotations

Preparation: As well as being a writer, clearly Ghosh loves readingg other people's work!..In "The Nutmeg's Curse,"   'freq!1e/n1 •,!A corpora)es otiier  utho;s'ideas info tiis book. Sometimes he puts the author's name directly in the text. Other times he includes an end note_ An end note is a little superscript number at the end of a sentence,r if you to go the Notes section  ear the end ofithe book1 you can find that nun1ber in the chapter, and it gives you more information about wher e the information Ghosh is engaging with is from.                                                                                             •          I         '

Choose one reference to another author that sounds ilJll!resting to you from the chapters we have re<1d s9 far {Chapters 11-9).   9qk in ,tl1,e Note and/or the Bibliography  at the end of Ghosh's book to find the citation tor that author's work. Then look it up on the UB Library website to see if it is freely available to you or if you 1\/ould ne<1d tq ask the library tp' gel,it for you,(You QO not neeq to act4ally get tl1e book or article! Ijust want you to see how much is available to you!)

What to write and turn in for this assignment :

1, Quote Ghosh where he describes the other author 's work (properly uslng quotation marks  and parenthetical citations

2.Write out the citation for the reading from the &uthor (You can type it up in the format g'vn in G_hosh'i; t>l[iliogra PIJY,)

3  Paste the permanent link to the source in the UB Library, If it appears that tl)e library dpes not.give yo a.cces to ll,11$ source, cte  cribe lh &teps yq iJ used \o serch for it  4 . In a short paragraph, explain why  this author's idea caught your Interest. And explain  l1ow their work f1ts into Ghosh s book

Word limit: 400 words maximum.

You are welcome to compose your asignment putside of UBLearns (like in il Word poc). but please past\llhe t  )ft into lhe 'Write Submi&i9 n ' box, rather \hari at\aching a file

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Short Writing Assignment 1
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Short Writing Assignment 1
One of the sentences I found particularly striking in the reading describes enchantment in the air that has nothing to do with the landscape. Ghosh (50) asserts, “There is a kind of enchantment in the air, but it has nothing to do with landscape; it derives rather from Euclidean geometry and the lines that the Europeans drew upon the globe as they set out to conquer the world.” In the book, Ghosh attempts to explain where the rain started beating us as far as climate change is concerned. At the beginning of the book, he notes a person called Sonck and his troops on Lonthor island. Having traveled miles from home, Sonck came with his troops to wreak havoc on an island that had hitherto experienced undisturbed peace. He started by capturing the mosque and every decent building.
The above-mentioned sentence was particularly striking to me for it seems to sum up the main idea in the Ghosh’s book; environmental probl...
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