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Novel Analysis – American War by Omar El Akkad. Literature & Language.

Essay Instructions:

Novel Essay 1. Oct 5th  1pm – Upload to Assignment Tab (Novel Essay 1 Folder) in Canvas.
American War by Omar El Akkad imagines a future where the ramifications of climate change—the drowning of coastal cities, mass migration, lack of resources, and failed attempts to
regulate fossil fuel use—are the root cause of a civil war in the second half of the 21st century.
Essay Question: Using the apocalyptic geographies concepts discussed in this course, relate an example from the novel to one example from the real world.When answering this question please address three of the following five questions (you choose which three) to make the connection from the novel’s fictional space to the real world.
1. What is “the geography,” both environmental and symbolic, in the novel? 2.
2. How does sense of place operate in the novel?
3. What types of identity norms are disrupted in the novel? (Gender, Social Class, etc.)
4. How do care ethics function within the novel?
Papers MUST include:
Name, title, adequate and reputable citations, and page numbers from the novel. You can also cite a lecture as follows: (Dowler, Lecture Title). Paper should be Times New Roman Font, Size 12, single spaced, 1-inch margins, and no more or less than 2 pages long. Students will lose points for not adhering to the criteria.
This is an assignment to evaluate your grasp of course concepts, not an opinion-based paper.Electronic Submission of Written Assignments
Upload your essays to the Assignment Tab and into the Novel Essay 1 folder.
Assignment Submittal Policy
Assignments will be considered late if they are turned in after 11pm EST on the due date published in the syllabus unless the student has received an extension from the instructor in advance. Late assignments will earn a 10% penalty if they are turned in within 24 hours of the due date/time. Assignments will be marked with a 20% penalty if they are turned in between 24 and 48 hours after the due date. Assignments more than 48 hours late will not be accepted. The instructors will work with you on extensions if you contact one of them before the assignment is due. There will be no exceptions in cases where the student fails to contact an instructor before the assignment due date. Written assignments will be turned in electronically to avoid uncertainty about on-time status and to facilitate detection of plagiarism.   
 * Must include name, title, and accurate and reputable citations. Please include page numbers when citing the novel (El Akad p. #). You can also cite a lecture as follows: (Inwood,  Lecture Title). Paper should be 1-inch margins, Times New Roman Font, Size 12, and no more or less than 2 pages single-spaced. 
**Critical Reflection of Issue: Student critically evaluates readings and lectures (does not simply summarize), cites course reading, specificallydraws from other course material, and engages with the issue with well-supported, sophisticated, and critical assessments. 
*** Writing not college quality or failure to use in-text citations and bibliography. You may use MLA or APA style for your bibliography, whatever you are most comfortable using.  
Note: It is possible to receive a score that is in-between values, depending on how well you address aspects of a particular question.  

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December 14, 2020
Novel Analysis – American War by Omar El Akkad
Understanding the relationship between politics, society, and the status of our environment is important for anyone. It allows us to have a better understanding of how our actions could affect, not only our lives but also of the future generations of mankind. In this article, I would like t focus n El Akkad’s 2017 model entitled American War. Particularly, I would like to analyze the intersections between the environment and society, in terms of creating a ‘sense f place’ within one's self. All in all, I believe that El Akkad’s novel has shown that similar to what we make f our environment, our perception of our sense of place is created by how we make the most out of the limited resources that it can give us.
Novel Analysis
El Akkad’s novel shifts our current notion of geography based on the symbolic and arbitrary divisions that we establish between us as well as its importance in our lives. On the one hand, his novel shows that today, we define geography based on the arbitrary divisions between us that are created based on divisions of politics and religion. The background of El Akkad’s post-apocalyptic novel also emphasizes the divisions that we make between states, localities, and even between ourselves that establishes a ‘demarcation’ of the social space between us. Accordingly, the novel shows how these geographic divisions could cause violence between us. One example was El Akkad’s asked about “what was safety, anyway, but the sound of a bomb falling on someone else's home?” (pg. 110). These wars started betwe...
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