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Noun and Verb Morphology of the Cult Involving Fairies

Essay Instructions:

We have built languages for mushroom god cultists, but some people at the start wanted to do a language for a hivemind (a true collective, that shares one consciousness), a cult involving fairies, or, most memorably, self-driving cars.

Pick ONE of these ideas, and then in 250-500 words, please do ONE of the following, not both:

1) Describe how you'd design phonological inventory (consonants and vowels) and phonotactics for your chosen creature. Explain how the sounds you choose relate to the creature.

2) Describe how you'd design noun and verb morphology for your creature.

You should answer only ONE of the questions above, not both. And you should choose one of the ideas: hivemind, cult involving fairies, self-driving cars.

We are looking for creativity here and a connection to the nature of the creature you've selected. There are no wrong answers, but try to make your answer differ in some principled way from what we've decided for the mushroom cultists we've discussed. And be specific!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper on Linguistics:
Noun and Verb Morphology of the Cult Involving Fairies
May 2021
Morphology is the study of words that are minimal in units and could no longer be divided into smaller parts. My Mushlang Phonology for the cult fairies involves diphthongs that are known as six sounds that begins with [u] or [o] or ends with [i], [y], or [e], [u], and [o] can only appear in these diphthongs. Hence, I created the names of fairies- Sunshine Seely, MoonGaze Li, Crystalbound Yearn, and WaveBreaker On as a basic form of Mushlang Diphthong. These made up fairy names are representation of the Earth elements and nature as seen in the words, mushlang phonologies used. Most of the verbal morphology in Mushlang is reduplication of an expression. Tense morphology in Mushlang doubles the first syllable of the verb in certain cases whilst the Agreement morphology copies the final syllable of the subject onto the verb. Free morphemes can survive alone while bound morphemes could be partnered up with another morpheme. The bound morpheme cannot stand alone. For e...
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