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Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete

Essay Instructions:

In order to receive the full extra credit, you have to create a one page handout for this week's reading:

Jeffrey M.R. Duncan-Andrade (2009), "Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete," Harvard Educational Review 79, 2: 181-194

Handout Layout:


What methods did the author use?

Define the three elements "False Hope" (each one):

Define the three elements "Critical Hope"(each one):

Pull three quotes that stood out (indicate the page):

Create three questions for the class discussion (that will advance the ways we think about this reading):

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Analysis
Your Name
Subject and Section
November 29, 2018
1 Thesis/argument:
1 The main argument by the author is that the transformation of the urban youth, which was one of the main tenets of the Obama campaign has been heavily reliant on the idea of ‘Hope’. However, hope could mean a lot of things and the author has further elaborated this concept by defining the four types of hope. Among these four, he identified ‘Critical hope’ as essential for the reformation of the urban youth.
2 What methods did the author use?
2 The method used by the author in this article is a secondary data analysis, where he focused on using narratives, data, and other types of information as collected from other pieces of research
3 Define the three elements of False Hope
3 The three elements of False Hope are (1) Hokey Hope, (2) Mythical Hope, and (3) Hope Deferred. Hokey Hope is one of the most widely believed types of hope. It perpetrates an individualistic idea that by working hard anyone could overcome any barriers that hinders him from reaching his goal. In contrast, Mythical hope states that everyone should be able to reach their dreams especially because all our given equal opportunities, even if this does not translate in real life. Lastly, Hope Deferred, is a kind of hope that has an ideologically progressive approach, even without being translated into ac...
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