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Negative Impact of Poor Officer Morale Has on the Police Organization

Essay Instructions:

Please draft 5 pages in total highlighting the negative impact of poor officer morale has on the police organization which has led to low productivity, culture change, and the development of organizational terrorist that continue to feed the rumor mill which led to vote of no confidence on the chief of police.
And how new leadership, vision, and a change agent is needed to turn organization around.

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Negative Impact of Poor Officer Morale Has on the Police Organization 
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Agent of Change a "Leadershift Mindset"
An organization is a group of people who work together to achieve a common objective. Depending on their position within the organization, these people can carry out the mission in various ways. Every company has distinct departments with diverse functions, yet they all strive towards the same objective. The administration department ensures that organizations function successfully and efficiently to achieve their goals. Efficient administration is required to offer happy personnel, achieve goals, and successfully fulfill the organization's mission (Henry et al., 2018). As a result, a police organization is no different; police departments operate similarly to any other organizational paradigm. The Police Administration department must guarantee that the agency is well organized and that all activities are monitored. The key personalities in the Police Administration take the lead in designing efficient models that allow their organization to function efficiently (Henry et al., 2018). This paper was written to highlight the negative impact that low officer morale has had on the police organization, which has resulted in low productivity, culture change, and the development of organizational terrorists who continue to feed the rumor mill, resulting in a vote of no confidence in the chief of police. Furthermore, the paper will demonstrate how fresh leadership, vision, and a change agent are required to turn around an organization.
As a result, leadership within a department has a significant impact on existing morale levels, and leaders within the ranks may enhance their leadership tactics to improve the general morale and efficacy of their agency. First, morale relates to a person's mental state of zeal, courage, and confidence. It is the perseverance to keep going without tiring, to keep going without breaking one's spirit; it is the endurance and strength to deal with adversity. Second, morale is significant because it may be used to assess the health of a police force (Johnson et al., 2017). Third, it fosters voluntary and passionate discipline rather than enforcing it.
The difference between high and poor morale is noticeable. High morale is the state of mind and willpower that allows you to give your best to a task, persevere in the face of adversity, and remain positive in the face of adversity. When morale is good inside a department, there is an inherent buy-in to the department's goals and broader mission (Henry et al., 2018). Officers can deal with the day-to-day demands, the challenges of their job, and the discouragement that is sometimes associated with police employment. High morale encourages perseverance, energy, and initiative. Low morale fosters a bad climate of complacency by encouraging employees to accomplish the bare minimum, decreasing intrinsic drive, and fostering emotions of ambivalence regarding law enforcement aims (Johnson et al., 2017). Low morale results in staff conflicts, uncooperative attitudes, lack of passion, fault finding, unwillingness, low effect, lack of loyalty, gripe sessions, heavy workloads, resistance to authority, grievance, complaints of team members not performing their roles effectively, complaints relating to competing demands and viewpoints, and a variety of other characteristics are all common (Johnson et al., 2017). Low morale harms the Chief of Officers, officers, and the entire Administrative Department.
The formation of an organizational terrorist that may continue to fuel the rumor mill, resulting in a vote of no confidence in the head of police, is a regular occurrence. As a result, it is critical to comprehend how businesses get to the situation whereby working is no longer pleasant for their team members. Rather than fostering an environment of development, optimism, and success for the individuals who commit their lives to service, the department's culture develops poison. It is caused by a failure to recognize and reward outstanding work for individuals who give their all. Poor leadership is the primary factor contributing to low morale. Leaders in the police force, such as the chief, commanders, sergeants, and trainers, have a considerable influence on the structural well-being of the police organization and officer morale. The Chief of Police has a significant influence on morale.
According to Minto (2020), a department with low morale has more than 80% of officers who report that management did not properly express what was required. Furthermore, more than 85% of officers do not feel appreciated or respected by command staff (Minto, 2020). Officers' capacity to trust their bosses is undermined by a significant lack of leadership and inadequate monitoring. Leaders within the police force who contribute to the toxicity of the present atmosphere are viewed as persons who have a reputation for discouraging and demeaning their junior officers and others inside the police organization. Supervisors in leadership positions exhibit characteristics such as an apparent lack of concern for the well-being of subordinates, a personality or interpersonal style that negatively impacts the organizational environment, and being viewed as primarily motivated by self-interest. They are usually characterized as arrogant, self-serving, inflexible, and petty. Kan...
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