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Recent Changes to the National Breakfast and Lunch Program to Improve Nutrition and Health

Essay Instructions:

Research the topic and include credible sources to support claims. Identify your purpose clearly, incorporate audience needs, establish a desired tone, and organize information and / or claims effectively.
The state school board chairperson has asked you (a consultant on health and wellness) to write an informative paper about the recent changes to the national breakfast and lunch program to improve nutrition and health. Describe the process and benefits of the programs for parents.
Provide a clear thesis statement.
Describe the process (decisions, steps) involved in the program.
Explain the benefits of the program.
Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
Provide three (3) relevant and credible sources to support claims. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Recent Changes to the National Breakfast and Lunch Program to Improve Nutrition and Health
Institution of affiliation
Recent Changes to the National Breakfast and Lunch Program to Improve Nutrition and Health
Nutrition should be important to every living human being on the planet. Its importance to our health cannot be over-emphasized. Basic knowledge on nutrition should be common sense. Nutrition, when combined with other elements such as an active lifestyle, can contribute to maintaining an optimum body weight, reduce susceptibility to chronic diseases and increase life expectancy. Improper nutrition caused by poor eating habits have resulted in 33.8% of adults in the US being obese. Seventeen percent of children of between 2-19 years in the United States are also obese. Obesity exposes these individuals to related ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, among many others CITATION Pre11 \l 1033 (President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, 2011).
Nutrition is ensured by eating a balanced meal every day. The meal should contain; starch, proteins, vitamins, sugars, fats and oils and plenty of water. Each of these performs a specific function in our body. Some of the key functions include; repairing and replacing worn out cells from our bodies. Production of enough energy to sustain our body requirements e.g. keeping warm. Body processes such as digestion and other chemical processes also require food. Enhance immunity from diseases and recovery where one falls ill.
The paper, therefore, will dissect the recent changes to the national breakfast and lunch program and attempt to gain an understanding of the impact of these changes on nutrition and health. The paper will question the efficacy of these changes and if there are any benefits whatsoever to be gained from these changes.
National School Lunch Program
The program was started by President Truman by passing an Act of Congress designed to provide healthy food to school going children during their school days. Recent changes to the program were instituted by the US first Lady Michelle Obama under the Obama Administration. These changes were designed to raise healthier children and reduce obesity. The changes cost an extra 3.2 billion dollars which are raised by the Federal government. The changes are contained in the Act of Congress, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 CITATION RON12 \l 1033 (Nixon, 2012).
The recent changes have changed the standards of food served in schoo...
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