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Narration Shanghai, China, Satellite Television

Essay Instructions:


tell a story about my childhood. 5 paragraphs. (I was in China, lived with my grandma, My parents was in US, I came America when I was 14 , I am 18 now) NO TITLE NEEDED

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While growing up in Shanghai, China, satellite television was no longer a novelty but a way of life. My grandmother, with whom I lived with, would sit beside me as we watched Hollywood’s rendition of the American life in the late 1990s: the busy streets, the flashy cars, the tall buildings; everything looked so surreal. My grandmother and I enjoyed each others’ company as my parents had relocated to the United States for work-related reasons.
As a young child, I never imagined myself coming to America. However, a few days after my fourteenth birthday, I got a phone call from my parents saying that I will be travelling to America in a few weeks where I will be continuing with my education. My excitement was uncontainable. I felt as though my biggest dream had just come true. Coming to America as a student was, in my opinion, the best way to feel its pulse.

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