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Essay about Myself

Essay Instructions:

With all parts of the course in mind, write a mini-memoir of 8-10 pages (12-point font, time new roman, double spaced, one-inch margins) about you that includes ways that each of the following have had an impact on the way that you see yourself, others, and all things:


personal identity

social interactions (i.e. with family and friends)




gender, social class, or race

American society

connection to a global world

Remember, this is your story,

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Literature can influence people in specific ways that other pieces of work cannot. Whether the idea used in literature is fiction, a word of art, or a fact, it can transform an individual’s mind by affecting one’s visions. Literature can be inspiring and lackluster at the same time. It can bring life to the lifeless objects or turn love into apathy.
All of these apply to me. Literature has tamed my brave soul and made my innocent side a wild one. It has turned my visions into something real and reversed the whole into an abstract ideology. Initially, my dreams were straightforward. What I see is what I believe. I do not understand what is not in front because nothing can stimulate my imagination.
That is probably why I enrolled in this course. It is to understand the facts and fiction. The system disproved the saying, “seeing is believing,” because there are things that are only beautiful when you leave them to your imagination.
It is vital to have something that you cannot hold because it will keep you searching about these things to prove if fiction is a fact or remains fiction. Without abstract ideologies, we cannot move forward because we have nothing to look forward to. It is as if we have reached a dead-end because we already know everything.
The change in my perspective also changed my personal identity and social interactions. Bland emotions are popular to people who would like to succeed and reach the tallest mountains and highest dreams globally. This was true for me. Previously, I believed that minding about how you feel will cause an unnecessary distraction that will not allow me to perform my routines. However, all of these previous points-of-view changed once I started reading fiction.
Such stories and play of words may not be applicable or experienced by an individual all of the time. People may not even share the same emotions at least once in their lifetime. However, it does not mean that one story does not exist for all eternity. Now, for me, it just means that some of us are meant to observe while others are meant to feel. And when we cannot handle it ourselves, the literature comes to rescue our falling souls. Literature allows me to explore worlds that I have not yet seen. It reveals a reality outside of what I experience, or better yet, it creates a world that I did not know exists. Because of this, I changed my personality from bland to scrumptious.
Of course, when an individual changes their perspectives, opinions, and personal identity, the way that person interacts with other people also changes. Literature has shown me how various people react to certain situations or manage their feelings and language toward one another.
Literature taught me how important it is to be kind and to be not kind at times. Because I have ended my black-grey life and began to insert some flavor, my interactions with people also changed. I think I went from callous to caring, insensible to sensitive, obnoxious to delightful, and rascal to well-mannered. My answers varied from “shut up” to “I want some peace,” from “you are ugly” to “every person is beautiful,” and from “I will hurt you” to “I will try to understand you.”
Changes with oneself are also accompanied by changes in how others treat you. Maybe it is because they see your efforts or the other side of your story. It can also be because it is just human nature—they respond based on what you have inflicted. I have seen these changes with everybody around me, including my family, friends, and even acquaintances. Not everyone responds the same. However, you can see in their eyes that they will react based on their perception of you.
Enough with fiction. Now, we will entertain the facts. Communications, media, and literature demonstrated how society has been stratified. Many elements are responsible for this, such as race, gender, ethnicity, religion, Am...
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