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My Hobby: Swimming

Essay Instructions:

As inspired by What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami: Write about a hobby or activity you do that teaches you lessons that you apply in other aspects of your life.

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Every morning after I wake up, I go through a phase where I feel lazy and unable to do anything. Staying in this zone makes me do the things I term as needful or necessary while ignoring anything that I had planned to do for myself. This happened daily, but I always had this other zone which allowed me to push myself to do all that I had planned. Last year, I decided to enroll for swimming classes, but I had not anticipated the change this class would trigger in my life. I thought this was like any other class and taking it was simply me doing that which I loved. So, in the spirit of pursuing my personal goals and getting things off my bucket list, I started the classes with a lot of vigor. However, swimming became bigger than I had expected and its influence spilled to other aspects of life.
The first thing that swimming teaches me is about being conscious of time. Initially, I did things because I was expected to do them and never attached time or deadlines to them. However, when I started swimming, the instructor was strict about time, and I was kicked out of several classes because of coming late. She never entertained laziness, but for people like me, swimming was like any other class. So, I could come in anytime I wanted and leave whenever I felt like the day’s lesson was not for me. However, the instructor made sure that people came in early and left after the day’s lesson was over. Time for her was very important and having served as a lifeguard at some point in her life, she made sure we knew ...
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