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Literature and Language: Moral Matters 3

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Moral Matters
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Human rights are norms and values that assist in protecting individuals all over from extreme social and political abuses. Examples of these human rights include the right to fair trial, freedom of religion, and the right to participate in political activities. These rights are in extant in morality matters and in national and international laws. Such laws are addressed basically to governments, requiring compliance and enforcement by these government.
Morality matters are significant in minority rights since the human rights philosophy tackles queries that are related to nature, content, existence, universality, legal status and the justification of human rights. The strong arguments made on behalf of human rights, for instance their universality, or the sense that they exist independent of legal as defensible moral norms regularly provoke cynical doubts and responses that could be made from them. The Golden rule which states that “do unto others what you would want them to do unto you is presumed to be the greatest moral teaching of Jesus Christ (Matt.7.12). This rule is very important for our own coexistence.
Moral laws and human rights are two interrelated terms. In fact, they are referred as two sides of the same coin. All individual rights emanates from the legal order, while on the other hand, the legal order incorporates the aggregate of all rights it coordinates. The conception of human rights by an individual is an implication of an obligation on the part of someone else.
Various standard individual rights are basically crucial to religious and ethnic minorities, including the right of association, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and freedom from discrimination. The documents on human rights have sections that explicitly refer to minorities, giving them particular attention on protection. For instance, the political and civil agreement in article 27 indicates that individuals who belong to ethnic, linguistic or religious minorities shall not be refused the right with other community members, in professing their own religion, enjoying their own culture or speaking by use of their own language (Nickel 2007).
According to Narveson, (1999) "Morality consists of rules for all" and that "moral rules...have to be framed with a view to advancing the interests of all, insofar as their interests can be advanced." The author points out that morality are directives which are intended for all people in general. They are in essence, public guides to behavior. These rules are applicable to all in the public sphere. They direct people on what they are expected to do or not do in particular situation. Narveson goes on that alt...
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