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Module Bus 599 case # 2 TD #2

Essay Instructions:
The same person that did my Module 1 case should do this module case 2 as well because its a continuation. Module 2 - Background Case: Inputs, SLP: Time Warp!! The background reading for the Case in this module focuses on one of the diagnostic models you were exposed to in Module One. We will be looking at the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model. You will be using this model to complete the case. David Nadler is the founder and CEO of Mercer Delta Consulting Group. An internationally recognized expert in organizational change, Nadler has written seven books and numerous articles for practicing managers. Michael Tushman is a Full Professor at the Harvard Business School. He has written or edited eight books and is widely published in academic and practitioner journals. According to the authors, "Other things being equal, the greater the total degree of congruence or fit between the various components, the more effective will be the organization- effectiveness being defined as the degree to which actual organization outputs at individual, group, and organizational levels are similar to expected outputs, as specified by strategy" (p.45). If the link to the article does not work, it is probably because your computer does not allow "cookies" which would let you connect directly to the library. In such a case, you will need to connect manually to the appropriate database. For instructions and passwords to access the TUI and Touro College library, see "Ongoing Useful Resources" near the bottom of this page. Read: Nadler, D.A. & Tushman, M.L. (1980) A model for diagnosing organizational behavior. Organizational Dynamics, 9 (2), 35-51. Available in the Business Source Complete database in the Touro College Library System. OR Click Here to Download For Case 2, you should focus on the Inputs aspect of this model. Read pages 35 to the top of 43. You can stop at the Outputs section. Optional Material for Case What follows is a sampling of six articles that approach organizational analysis and/or diagnosis from an open systems perspective. They demonstrate that the principles of open systems apply to a wide variety of organizational concerns - from community development efforts to supply chains. All of these articles are available through the Touro College Library system. The specific databases are indicated following "Source". Wiley, Angela R.; Thomas, R. Elizabeth; Stewart, Eric; McCoy, Jon; Kloos, Bret; Hunt, Gladys D.; Moore, Thom; Rappaport, Julian; Good, Trudy L. (1997). Bridging the Gap Between Schools and Community: Organizing for Family Involvement in a Low-Income Neighborhood. Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation, Vol.8, Iss.3; p.277. Source: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection Ziaul Huq; Thomas N Martin. (2000) Workforce cultural factors in TQM/CQI implementation in hospitals. Health Care Management Review, Vol.25, Iss.3; p.80-93. Source: ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry Miriam Heller; Eric W Von Sacken; Richard L Gerstberger. (1999) Water utilities as integrated businesses. American Water Works Association Journal, Vol.91, Iss.11; p.72. Source: ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry Rob McLuhan. (2005) Closing the channel loop. Marketing Direct, p.S11-S12,S14-S15. Source: ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry Marc H Meyer; Mark Anzani; George Walsh. (2005) Innovation and enterprise growth. Research Technology Management, Vol.48, Iss.4; p.34-44. Source: ABI/INFORM Global Sock H Chung; Terry Anthony Byrd; Bruce R Lewis; F Nelson Ford. (2005) An Empirical Study of the Relationships Between IT Infrastructure Flexibility, Mass Customization, and Business Performance. Database for Advances in Information Systems, Vol.36, Iss.3; p.26-44. Source: ABI/INFORM Global - BUS599 - MBA Integrative Project Module 2 - Case Case: Inputs, SLP: Time Warp!! BACKGROUND Each of the diagnostic models presented in Module One had particular strengths and weaknesses. The Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model is particularly strong in terms of Inputs. Therefore, for this part of the case, you are to analyze the Key Inputs of Industrial Services of America, Inc. From the reading you will see that there are four input categories: Environment (factors external to the organization) Resources (factors internal to the organization) Organizational history (Persistent Traditiona) Strategy (goals, objectives and strategic initiatives) You will see that the Key Factors in the first three input categories should support and integrate with the Strategy Input factor. REQUIRED READING: Start by reading the article by Nadler and Tushman you downloaded from the Background page. Again, read pages 35 to the top of 43. This will tell you how to go about completing an analysis of Key Inputs. Refer to the assigned and optional readings in the background for this module. Review Case Analysis since it is so important in this final course. The purpose of a Case is to show that you have thought critically about the subject matter that you are learning AND to make an argument for a Claim about the specific situation in the Case assignment. Stephen Toulmin has developed an Argument Methodology that is very useful in Making a Case. To review Case Analysis and Toulmin's Argument Methodology, go to Making a Case page. CASE 2 ASSIGNMENT: Make a Case for one of the following propositions: The inputs at Industrial Services of America, Inc. consisting of Organizational Environment factors, Internal Resource factors, and Historical Tradition factors, [highly support, partially support, or do not support] the company's mission. (Choose the level at which the Strategy is supported by the other factors.) TIP: The "Optional Material" provided below contains several journal articles that take an open systems view of organizational analysis. If you want to get a "feel" for what comes out of this type of analysis, feel free to check some of them out. Make a Case for which OD model you think is the best for doing an OD analysis for Industrial Services of America, Inc., based on several current issues the company is facing. There are several parts to this assignment. KEYS TO THE ASSIGNMENT: Case Expectations: In order to make this case, you first need to identify the Key Input factors in the first three categories. And you will also need to identify the specific strategy of the company. So the paper consists of the two main parts: Identify and discuss the Key Input factors from each of the four input categories (at least two each). Explain why these are critical (consider the strategy and how important each one is in providing support) Make the case as to whether the Key Input factors in the first three categories support the Strategy (classify the strategy according to Porter's three generic competitive strategies). You will not be able to identify all of the inputs in such a short paper, so First identify the most critical inputs in each of the first three categories and justify WHY they are critical. Also explain what effect the inputs from one category have on inputs from the other categories. Then discuss the organization's strategy and classify it according to Porter's three generic competitive strategies. How well does this strategy fit with the environmental, resource and historical inputs you identified? Make a Case for your proposition as to how the Key Inputs support the Strategy. You must support your analysis with objective evidence. Sources of information for the entire project may include organizational documents and reports, articles in newspapers and trade publications, even interviews and personal knowledge (though you should corroborate this when possible.) Be sure to cite your sources and provide a bibliography for each module's case. Write up your case in a 5 page paper (not including Title Page and References). This paper is due by the end of the module. ASSIGNMENT EXPECTATIONS Your paper will be evaluated on the following seven (7) points: Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)? Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject, i.e., all the keys to the assignment, addressed? Depth - Does the paper address all elements of the topic in sufficient depth? Does it include and apply the background readings and other background resources? Are they included as references? Critical thinking – Are the concepts of this module applied accurately, logically, and relevantly? Organization - Is the paper organized in a coherent and systematic manner? Are headings included in all papers greater than 2 pages? Clarity - Is the writing clear and the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of response to the questions, or are thoughts conveyed through excessive use of quotations? Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper use citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are all references listed in the bibliography used and referred to via citation? TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS You may use a simple diagram to highlight important factors. However, do not use the diagram in lieu of valuable analysis (or to take up valuable writing space) - it should be in addition to your paper of 4-6 pages of analysis. Just because you have written the minimum four pages does not mean that you have adequately covered the topic. Err on the side of writing more rather than less. Choose the data you use carefully. Is it relevant and important? Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 5-7 pages of analysis described above. Include headings within the paper Cite AND reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you do not quote but paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes of more than 5 words, and citations for that information which you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources. Follow TUI Guidelines for well-written papers. (Click here if you are unsure of what those guidelines are). For help with your research see this page on a separate piece of paper please mark it TD and answer the following questions in 10- 15 sentences: OD, Inputs, and Strategy (Dr. Sabe) Here are some general topics. The discussion is intended to give you a forum to talk about what you are doing in the Case and in the SLP. You can focus your contribution on a few of the questions, or if you prefer address all of the questions. OD - How does OD relate to Strategy? How do you think the top management team at National Presto Systems could use OD to inform its thinking about strategy? Inputs - What are some of the important inputs to an organization to which you belong? Marketing Strategy (Generic Strategy) - price and product development. And also Market Saturation. How do these relate to each other? How are they best analyzed and developed into a strategy? Discuss the connection or relationships, if any, among Org Development, Inputs to an organization, and Marketing Strategy (Generic Strategy)? (HINT: Use these theories to help you in analyzing the data in SLP1.)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professor Name:
(January 09, 2012)
Module Bus 599 case # 2 TD #2
The inputs of any industry are dependent on several factors for it to be successful all of which are in the company as well as outside. There are also organizational environment, internal resource and historical traditional factors. We shall begin with the internal resource: these involve the human resource departments whose sole purpose is to enroll staff, ensure healthy relations between workers, they hold the capacity of having the ensuring compatibility to the given area of business and within its legal mandate (Adams, 1992). It is the driving factor of any organization because a happy worker is highly likely to be more productive as compared to the latter. This paper looks at the inputs with reference to Nadler & Tushman (1980) article “A model for diagnosing organizational behavior”.
According to Nadler & Tushman (1980) “Inputs are the factors that at any point in time, make up the “givens” facing the organization”. They include the materials that the firm or organizations needs to work with to produce outputs. The inputs in the organization include environment, resources, history and strategy. Through the different factors the organization is able to enhance performance and ensure growth and sustainability. The organization needs factors that maintain the staffing levels at an appropriate level as per the size of the company. The availability of workers for recruitment is an external factor but which proves to be slightly difficult especially where only specialized skills are necessary in a vast industry (Freedman, 1995; Ziaul & Thomas 2000). Every factor applies even the geographical location especially in an area where the labor is not sufficient.
An external factor is the government regulations in the form of labor laws, codes of ethics, and regulations on disciplining, hiring and firing of workers. The rate of growth is an internal aspect that is made necessary to have the departments focus on staffing and having an improved working culture (Dunlop, 1999; Heckscher, 1998). Technological knowhow in the aid of human resources is one aspect that allows an upper advantage of internet sources, online benefits and more emphasis on the training and recruitment.
The next thing would have to be organizational environment factors A macro environment is consistent of general external factors that affect the company in one way or another. These include the economic, socio-cultural. Economic, technological, political, international and legal aspects all out of the company but affect it greatly. The socio-cultural aspect is seen to be the beliefs, traditions, values that make a company functional. Increase in the learned population, values and traditions of a certain people are but the few aspects which make the variables (Miriam, et al. 1999). Demographic change is yet another aspect that needs to be looked at because as a change in the population affects the demand for products. Better healthcare has for instance seen an increase in better health facilities has seen a tremendous growth in the mortality rate and increased population.
Industrial Services of America, Inc
The Industrial Services of America, Inc was founded in 1954 and has been dealing with the scrap metal recycling industry. It has many achievements including being the first waste and recycling company to be publicly traded in the U.S. It products are sold both locally and abroad hence enjoys a large market share and a global presence. It has an annual production of 250,000 tons of ferrous, 18,000 non-ferrous and 100,000 tons of stainless steel. It has four divisions i.e. the recycling, alloys, logistics and WESSCO. The mission for the company is "At ISA we strive to provide quality service and products, and take pride in every pound".
Technological knowhow is a major input for Industrial Services of America, Inc since it is in the strategic planning of things. It helps with a proper field to learn new things and provide for ample services that are up to date. Industrial Services of America, Inc has invested in I.T specialists who can keep the company abreast with new information as well as reduce chances of any malicious damage to software and documentation. They can be better placed to analyze their market potential electronically and comparing with other companies. This also applies for the type of security that they handle for the very basic running of the firm. It comes with a greater demand and market since there is internet shopping which is available to so many persons in the market creating an influx in demand for products. More people using computers leads to a reduction in their price and an expanded market as compared to the initial market (Wiley, et al. 1998). It has revolutionized the production by creating new products and improving the quality of the old at a faster rate.
The other input for Industrial Services of America, Inc is investment in higher educational levels to allow for better income creating an influx of goods and more services as before as well as hiking the living standards since it is affordable. There is more job mobility as one can change as per the amount of salaries or comfort suiting their lifestyle. The qualifications call for improved working conditions, incentives, training opportunities and the stability of jobs (McLuhan, 2005; Friedman, et al. 1994).
Norms and values are different as per the cult...
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