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Modern Technology and Radicalization

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the issues they raise and other possible advantages and disadvantages of modern technology in the global world. they need to use this BBC article https://www(dot)bbc(dot)com/news/technology-30290540 and http://icsr(dot)info/projects/the-challenge-of-online-radicalisation/

please write as long as you can with the short hours you have

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Modern Technology
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Modern Technology and Radicalization
Radicalisation is a historical process that has been primarily triggered by social relationships in social places like churches, mosques and schools. In many instances radicalisation starts from the Internet, where radicalization content can be easily shared and potential candidates can be reached more easily, quickly, and on a massive scale.
Some terrorist organizations have been successful in using online platforms influence new members into radicalization. Recruiting attempts are frequently launched on open online platforms meant for socializing such as Facebook (also known as meta), Reddit, Twitter, but then moved to messaging platforms that are safe and secure like Telegram and Telegram. Terrorist cells and networks have also planned their operations using encrypted communication channels.
Some governments, social networking sites, and organizations are focusing on developing of sophisticated applications to counter the radicalizations, including the use of machine learning solutions such as artificial intelligence to help counter the activities of such organizations and stop the propagation of extremism and terrorism content. One of the three main goals of these solutions is to analyse the problem attributed to online radicalisation, the various steps of the extremism procedure, the wide range of radicalisation networks, automatically detecting radical subscribers and material, and making predictions on the adoption and spread of extremist ideas.
In spite of the recent progress, a number of challenges remain, including; (a) the absence e of specific description of unlawful web activity that conveys radicalization, (b) the lack of robust validation of data acquired to develop identification and prediction models, and (c) the non-existence of collaboration across research domains, as most developed technological solutions are not premised on, nor do they reap the benefits of, current social theories and studies. (d) the advancement of ethical governance regulation to regulate the design and implementation of Artificial intelligence to counter extremism in order to prevent being detected by the developed algorithms, and (e) the constant evolution of online extremist behaviours in order to prevent being identified by the algorithms available.
One advantage of the modern technology is automation of data analysis, primarily visualization tools, are used to assist the defence and intelligence services' actions. Algorithms are used to prioritize terrorist suspects and assess the risk of air passengers on a regular basis. Besides, data can be gathered and stored in order to be analysed later in the hopes of uncovering patterns and connections that reveal terrorist networks or suspicious activities. Machine learning techniques enable the analysis and ...
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