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Medication Stock-Out: What decision must be made? What are the one or more moral problems?

Essay Instructions:

These questions are based on this reading, pg. 266-268: Stock Outs.pdf (attached, see “Stock Outs(1)”)

Limit your answer in 1 page.

Create a post and answer the questions below.  Incorporate at least one principle from the Public Health Leadership Society’s code of conduct  (attached, see “ethics_brochure”) and any other relevant values.  Also, include any facts, citing them. 

1. What decision must be made?  (This may be harder to define than you originally think.)

2.What are the one or more moral problems?

3.Who is the ultimate decision-maker that will decide whether to enact a solution and provide the resources necessary for enactment? 

4.Who, if anyone, can be an ally who can help persuade the ultimate decision-maker to address one or more moral problems?

5.Thus far, who has the researcher involved in the process for critically examining the one or more moral problems (identify the types of people rather than naming specific individuals)?  Do not identify the one or more allies here.  For each type of person:

What is his/her organization (identify the type of organization rather than naming specific organizations)? 

What has been his/her role in the process for critically examining the moral problem?  Describe the role in terms of being a content expert or working team member.

6.What additional steps do you think the researcher should take before deciding whether to whistle blow to the public?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Medication Stock-Out
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Medication Stock-Out
1.What decision must be made? (This may be harder to define than you originally think.)
The decision that must be made concerns international collaboration or international stakeholders' role in averting medication stock-out, especially in vulnerable nations. Advocacy groups, non-governmental organizations, and expatriate health workers are at the center of this debate due to their international health experience.
2.What are the one or more moral problems?
One of the moral problems is the degree of burden that international stakeholders should take to prevent medication stock out. Specifically, these stakeholders are assigned the responsibility of ensuring that their assigned group experiences general well-being (Meslin & Garba, 2016). However, the local government has the most considerable responsibility in ensuring constant medication is available.
3.Who is the ultimate decision-maker that will decide whether to enact a solution and provide the resources necessary for enactment?
Ultimately a key decision-maker is the group of international stakeholders, including the world health organization, who have the necessary resources to ensure medication stock-out does not occur. However, national governments also have a part to play in guaranteeing efficiencies in drug supply forecasting.
4.Who, if anyone, can be an ally who can help persuade the ultimate decision-maker to address one or more moral problems?
An ally that can aid in persuading these decision-makers is the United Nations and other nation coaliti...
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