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Materiality And Corporeality In Titian’s Annunciation

Essay Instructions:

900 words, or approximately 3 ½ pages.

You must also attach a completed and signed Academic Integrity Checklist with your paper. (The form is posted on Blackboard.)

For this assignment, you will choose one of the following readings and write a critical summary of its argument.

Bohde, Daniela. “Corporeality and Materiality: Light, Colour and the Body in Titian’s San Salvatore Annunciation and Naples Danae.” In Titian: Materiality, Likeness, Istoria, edited by Joanna Woods Marsden, 19-28. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007.


Smith, David R. “Dürer’s Wit.” In Realism and Invention in the Prints of Albrecht Dürer, edited by David R. Smith and Liz Guenther, 1-7. Hanover and London: University of Press of New England, 1995.


~ This paper is a paraphrase and an analysis, so it does not need a thesis statement.

~ Your paper should be 1) a paraphrase of the reading and 2) an analysis of how the author makes her or his argument (i.e. his or her argumentation). It should do both of these in roughly equal measure.

~ Do not refer to outside sources in your paper: it should only discuss what is in the one reading. That said, if it makes you feel more comfortable, you can consult the Gardner readings posted on Blackboard for some general information regarding the artists, but that background information should not appear in your paper.

~ When you explain the author’s argumentation consider the following:

- What kinds of evidence (visual, literary, and otherwise) does the author use to make his arguments? Are there equal amounts of these types of evidence?

- Generally speaking, how does the author make use of these materials?

- How are the various types of evidence related to one another?

~ (NOTE: This part should be brief!) Is the argument convincing or not? Briefly explain why. Avoid the temptation to nit-pick. Concentrate on assessing the bigger points. You can, however, cite an example of a general type of asset or flaw in the argument.

~ The first paragraph should include a clear statement of what is the thesis, or main point, of the article. It should also indicate, generally speaking, what the rest of your paper will demonstrate.

~ Do not get bogged down in too many details. The goal is to present 1) a concise but thorough account of the author’s most important points and 2) an assessment of those arguments, of how they are constructed and their efficacy. You can, however, include examples to illustrate your general points.

~ Avoid quoting directly from the reading at length; use your own words. If you like, nonetheless, you can cite key short phrases or terms found in the article. If you cite, be sure to put the exact words in quotation marks and indicate the page number in brackets next to them --for example, “off his rocker” (Smith, 15).

~ Your paper should not be substantially over or under the 900 word count (roughly 3 ½ pages, double-spaced). (NOTE: There is a 10% penalty for each page over this limit.)

~ Please double-space the text, leaving sufficient margins on all sides.

~ Be sure to ask Bernice or Colin if you have any questions.

Writing: Proper spelling and grammar are important in your paper. Leave time for editing and proofreading!

Please note the policy regarding Turnitin, in the list of “Course Policies” on the syllabus.

Academic Integrity: You must include a completed and signed Academic Integrity Checklist with your paper. (The form is posted on Blackboard.) See the syllabus for crucial information regarding plagiarism. Remember, all the work you submit must be your own. This includes any editing of your paper. If you expect you will need help with your writing, make an appointment at the Academic Skills Centre as soon as possible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
An Analysis of Materiality and Corporeality in Titian’s San Salvatore Annunciation and Naples Danae Name Institutional Affiliation An Analysis of Materiality and Corporeality in Titian’s San Salvatore Annunciation and Naples Danae Titian is, without doubt, one of the greatest authors of the Italian Renaissance to have ever lived. This is purposely because his dedication to his work and his ability to transfer emotion, materiality, and perspective into his art transcended a great number of artists that lived within the same period. To this end, it is inevitable that Titian worked a number of significant themes into his paintings. Two of the most common themes as far as his work is concerned include corporeality and materiality. In order to realize these themes, titian perfected his use of light, color, and the body. As far as this article is concerned, the author examines how Titian uses light, color, and the body in the paintings of San Salvatore Annunciation and Naples Danae in order to achieve his goals (Bohde & Marsden, 2007). This paper helps to demonstrate how the paintings, and the author, use color, light, and the body form in order to pursue the themes of materiality and corporeality. In this article, the author studies how Titian chooses color, uses light, and praises the body form in his paintings in order to communicate both sensual and religious messages. Through an examination of the aforementioned paintings, the author explores the importance of color to Titian and how it greatly influenced his painting approaches, choices, and even brushstrokes. At the same time, the application of light to create a variety of effects within the same painting was a key trait of Titian's works (Bohde & Marsden, 2007). Also, the article in question also manages to highlight how Titian applied the use of lighting and its various effects in order to show variety of tones and emotions in his paintings. This is easily shown in the paintings and shows Titian’s commitment to displaying a combination of corporeality and materiality in the paintings. The article also explores how Titian applies and varies his contour lines, transitions, brush strokes, and even the selection of paint and color to communicate both religious and erotic emotions within the same paintings. Actually, the author manages to highlight how Titian designed his paintings in order to realize and show the themes of corporeality and materiality (Bohde & Marsden, 2007). In this article, the author also shows how Titian chose to deliberately create his paintings in ways that praise materiality and corporeality, and also highlight the religious importance of the character, or activity, or event being painted. She also insists on showing the artistic paradox that often embodied Titian’s paintings...
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