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Marijuana Should Be Legal In All State In Us

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Marijuana Legalization
Marijuana is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. For a greater part of history, the drug has been subject of controversy and bad publicity as a result of the possibly negative effects that its users display. This has made its legalization a never-ending debate, especially among the 52 states that make up the U.S. What is not kept into consideration however, is the fact that marijuana has got medicinal uses, and the negative impacts shown on people is as a result of drug abuse, which can happen with any drug. It is as a result of its medicinal and recreational use that marijuana should be legalized in all the American states.
Cannabis has been well documented to have medicinal value for the treatment or management of conditions such as alcohol abuse, depression, and lack of appetite as well as cancer. Cannabis was found to be an important analgesic for cancer patients (Rosenthal et al., 2003). Marijuana isn’t supposed to be taken as a completely benign and illegal drug as so often been the case, instead, these benefits need to be put into consideration. Marijuana has been used in limited amounts, for the treatment and management of critically ill patients, and research has so far proven its effectiveness in such cases. As a result, its legalization throughout the states should not be delayed any longer.
On the other hand, legalization of the drug will be an important step towards its control, since it would now be easier to monitor those who used it for recreational purposes. Legalizing it would ensure that the government authorities would easily monitor the amount of the drug in circulation, as well as having clearer statistics of the same. This is quite contrary to the situation right now, where many people are using the drug in excessive amounts behind the dark alleys, while the authorities have little to no control over the same. The government would even have more revenue through its taxation, thereby improving the nation’s economy (Ventura et.al. 2016).
While the medicinal value of marijuana has been well documented, it still doesn’t change the fact that its usage has had many evident cases of negativities. Smokers of the plant have always turned to be addicts, and ended up engaging in a number of social vices (Lader & Lader, 2006). Marijuana should therefore, not be a substitute for the medications in place today, due to its addictive effects on users.
The smoke from marijuana has been found to contain a number of carcinogenic compounds, which are harmful to the human body, as well as also having compounds that result in dependency on the drug. Legalizing it would simply open the door to even more abuse of the drug, since it is already being done at the moment behind the scenes (Caulkins et.al. 2012). It would be giving license to the traffickers, to do even more business, amid in broad daylight now.
The controversy o

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