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The Management of Stress and Tension

Essay Instructions:

You have read Part 1 of the textbook and completed a number of exercises related to stress and its four aspects: body, emotions, mind, and spirituality. I will attached the exercises I completed. Write an essay addressing the following questions, based on the results of your completed exercises and your reflections on the reading from the textbook. You are required to include citations from both the textbook and at least one other reputable source. ( I will cite from the book when the paper is done.)

1. Top Stressors: Identify the top two or three stressors in your life. Try to include an acute one, as well as a more chronic stressor. Describe the intensity and duration of the stressor to support whether it is acute or chronic.

2. Contributing Factors: What are the contributing factors to the stressors? Provide context, such as cultural or sociological factors.

3. Health: Which aspect of your health do the stressors impact? Physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual? Include any physical symptoms, emotional responses, mental, and/or spiritual health issues.

4. Stress Theory: An acute stressor will trigger the stress response and chronic stress may lead to disease. Describe how this happens using theory to explain the stress response and the general adaptation syndrome. How might this apply to the stressors you are experiencing and probable effects on your health?

5. Stress versus Post-Traumatic Stress: Describe the difference between the stress response to stressors and post-traumatic stress response (disorder) to trauma. What kind of stressors lead to the different kinds of responses (flight, fight, freeze)?

6. Resilience: What does resilience mean? How would you describe your resilience to stress? The textbook states that “relationship, values, and purpose in life are the primary aspects of human spirituality. Most every stressor involves one or more of these aspects” (Seaward, 2021, p. 98). What are your thoughts about this? Is it congruent with your experience and, if so, how? How might these aspects be related to resiliency or stress-resistant personalities?

7. Conclusion: Discuss one to three stressors and/or stress responses that you would like to work on as a result of the work you have completed so far in this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Management of Stress and Tension
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Management of Stress and Tension
Stress is a typical retort that individuals undergo due to extreme incidences in life. Stress is like a pessimist sensation, just like anger. However, people tend to fight with Stress, especially when it becomes unbearable, and when a victim does not acquire a way to cope with it, they end up having a detrimental mental state.
When victims are in a chronic stress situation, they develop anxiety disorders and find it hard to relax. One chronic stressor I have is that I sometimes seek approval from others like family and friends. The main reason why I think this is chronic is that why one feels contented with other people accepting them is because of low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is one indication of one suffering from Chronic Stress. According to Hobfoll (2004)]. Furthermore, wanting to be accepted comes from individual personality and others from one's upbringing, education, etc. Another chronic is, it is easier for me to give love and much more challenging to receive it.
Acute stressors, on the other hand, are consistently retaliation to a one-time stressor. So, it does not come out of trauma; instead, one persistently carries on a burden for some time. An example of acute Stress I suppose I have strong perfectionist tendencies. I describe this as acute Stress because it more of anxiety in me, which is a symptom of acute stress. According to Wittrock, D.A, &Myers, T.C (1998)]. One feels the world is racing against them, and so they need to perfect. Another example of acute Stress is, I rise to occasions in times of crisis. It might be appealing to people, but it is stressful.
Management of Stress and Tension
Certain factors bestow to stress. You can describe them as cultural factors and sociological factors. Cultural aspects of Stress include a person experiencing a change in traditions and values that can bring a dispute in the family. Stress comes when family variance, especially about specific values they believe in when they disagree. People tend to have anxiety over the matter. Another cultural factor is parenting difficulties. According to Hobfoll (2004). When a parent finds it challenging to commit to the children, Stress comes in. language barrier is cultural. One not being able to communicate well with people leads to Stress.
Sociological factors are like educational levels can lead to Stress. Environmental situations, too, like not having a conducive workspace, bring discomfort. One individual social group is important because when one associates with people of a different class, they feel not accepted. Stress follows afterwards.
The repercussions of stressors affect my well-being both physically and emotionally too. Physical symptoms in Stress include dizziness and headaches, high blood pressure, pains, trouble sleeping, and stomach discomfort. Emot...
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