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Major Essay 2: Making Sense of your Experiences using a Theory

Essay Instructions:

Major Essay 2: Making Sense of your Experiences using a Theory(900-1200 wordsnot counting References page)

For your second major assignment, you will write an essay in which you test the theory and generalization put forth by LaRay Barna in the article “Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks(ICSB)” against your own experience. It means that you are using Barna’s theory as a lens in making sense of your own experience.As a college student as wellas a professional, you will be exposed to a variety of claims which you should test its credibility before you decide whether you will acceptas validthem or not. Among different ways of testing theory and generalizations, comparing it with your own experience is often a convenient way to do it. Your audience for this assignment is college students and professors. You have to assume that your readers have not read the article. Therefore, because it is an important part of this assignment, it is important that you provide summaryof ICSBat a location in your essay. Be sure to understand each of five intercultural communication stumbling blocks and choose one or two of the stumbling blocksand discuss it against your own experience. To do it properly, you will have to read the ICSB text at least three times and acquire good understanding of Barna’s arguments. You may have different opinions from Barna’s explanation of ICSB and want to write about it, and it is fine. You may choose to write about how Barna’s explanations differ from your own experience.Lastly, you will have to actively incorporate into your essay ideas from the ICSB text by paraphrasing and/or direct quoting the original author’s ideas. Follow APA stylefor formatting your paper and citing the sources.

The citation( sources) must from the article i assigned.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Major Essay 2
Major Essay 2
The emergence of multicultural countries has made it necessary for people from different parts of the world and different cultures to interact. Often the interaction with people from other countries is always marred by various intercultural stumbling blocks as described by LaRay Barna. In his article, Barna identifies six stumbling blocks that may make the communication process very challenging and tedious. The six include, the assumption that all people are the same with similar needs, differences in language, misinterpretation of non-verbal communication, having preconceptions and stereotypes about people, high anxiety and the tendency to evaluate. Even though each of these factors makes communication across different cultures very difficult, language differences and stereotyping are the most common problems as will be discussed in this paper.
Briefly on the assumption of similarities, Barna points out that some individuals wrongly assume that the fact that we all belong to the human race and have the same basic needs, automatically implies that we are the same. He notes that this is a misguided assumption since the different cultures across the world play a big role in shaping these needs, beliefs and values in a way that largely affects the communication process. Other people adapt this assumption of sameness since “it reduces the discomfort of dealing with difference,” (Barna, 1985). Language differences affect communication especially when an individual understands specific meanings of words and sticks to them without looking at the alternative meanings. On non-verbal misinterpretations, Barna explains that whatever ways people see, feel, smell or hear is all dependent on what these senses mean in different cultures. Therefore interpreting these sensory realities outside the frame of that culture might make communication a problem. Barna describes preconceptions and stereotypes as having already-formed notions about people and their culture in a way that makes their behavior easily predictable. Notably, stereotyping people makes it hard to learn the reality of a person thereby hindering intercultural communication. Concerning the tendency to evaluate, it is human nature to assume that our own culture is the most appropriate and the right one (Keles, 2013). This assumption often leads to biasness against the others outside our cultures to an extent that it becomes almost impossible to embrace the behaviors and attitudes of others with an open-mindedness (Barna, 1985). Lastly, Barna also describes high anxiety or stress as a stumbling block to intercultural communication. Notably, people in cross-cultural communication often are anxious due to the many uncertainties they could meet. In some cases, people develop defenses as a way of dealing with this anxiety, and this may serve as an obstacle to the communication process particularly where the defenses are in form of hostility or withdrawal.
A language barrier or language differences is a problem that is common when...
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