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M2A1 Essay: Natural Science, Ethics, and Critical Thinking

Essay Instructions:

Topic and Outline (due at the end of Module 1)
Natural scientists have often been confronted with ethical dilemmas as they make the connection between pure research and human application of the research. From our reading and our discussions, you should have a better idea of what constitutes a true ethical dilemma and how to analyze critically and examine these issues. Using the Excelsior Library, research one ethical dilemma researchers have faced in one of the natural sciences. You must select a topic from those provided below:
Physician assisted suicide – (you can look at this within the U.S or the world or contrast and compare)
Outline Requirements:
A clearly identified topic from the list above.
A clear, precise research question around the topic (see example below)
A 100 word description of why the topic is an ethical issue, who is impacted and how.
An outline that includes an:
First perspective on the ethical debate (Ex: Bats are problematic because they can spread diseases) with at least one reference in complete APA style for this perspective as a start on collecting your sources.
Second perspective same detail needed as in 2 (Ex: Bats are beneficial because they eat bugs that might spread disease, and at least one reference in complete APA style for this perspective as a start on collecting your sources.
YOUR analysis and conclusion based on these two perspectives.
This week, you will be completing your first essay in this course, using the topic proposal and outline you submitted in Module 1. You are expected to demonstrate your critical thinking skills by examining an ethical dilemma in the natural sciences. Natural scientists have often been confronted with ethical dilemmas as they make the connection between pure research and human application of the research. From our reading and our discussions, you should have a better idea of what constitutes a true ethical dilemma and how to analyze critically and examine these issues. Using the Excelsior Library, research an ethical dilemma that researchers have faced in one of the natural sciences. Your essay should include the following:
Your essay should include the following:
1. A minimum of four resources from academic publications found in the Excelsior Library
2. 750 – 1250 words of writing. This does not include the title page or reference page. Please organize your paper based upon the approved outline and your faculty feedback.
3. Grammatically correct sentences. If you need assistance, free tutoring is available through Smarthinking. You can link to it under “Learning Resources” in your Table of Contents. It is the link, “Free Tutoring.” To receive assistance on how to write essays, you can refer to the Excelsior OWL. 
4. Use APA citation guidelines. If you need assistance, please refer to either of the following online
Read Module Notes week 2
The Belmont Report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from http://www(dot)hhs(dot)gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/belmont.html
Rolling, JR., J.H. (2013) Art as social responsibility: Reframing critical thinking in art education as a basis for altruistic intent. Retrieved from http://pk4by7fa7h(dot)search(dot)serialssolutions(dot)com/?genre=article&atitle=Art+as+Social+Response+and+Responsibility%3a+Reframing+Critical+Thinking
Universal ethical code for scientists. Retrieved from https://www(dot)gov(dot)uk/government/publications/universal-ethical-code-for-scientists

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Essay1: Natural science, Ethics, and Critical Thinking
Course title:
Today nurses face ethical dilemmas that are more thought-provoking, confounding, and perfidious than before. The innovation in medical technology brought about these ethical dilemmas. This advancement of medical technology is geared towards prolonging life and authorized debates on patients’ quality of life, patients’ autonomy and what defines death. There is no other pressing ethical dilemma or issue that interrogates the roles of nurses and patients` treatments than physician assisted suicide (American Society of Registered Nurses, 2010). Physician assisted suicide happens when a physician provides patients with information on the means of ending their lives. This concept raises a number of ethical issues that include; patients’ autonomy; do no harm; patients’ quality of life and the meaning around acting on what is best for the patients. This issue also impacts the patient, the patients’ family and the professions’ integrity. Physician assisted suicide happens when the physician gives the patients a medical prescription of a lethal dose, and the patients would take the dose whenever they want. This essay will analyse the ethical dilemma on two perspectives of the ethical debate involving physician aided suicide (Lo, 2010).
Physician aided suicide
Physician aided suicide is permissible because the physician made a sensible choice for a dying patient who chose to get away from the horrendous suffering at the end of their lives. One of the duties of a physician is to relieve suffering, and this validates providing physician assisted suicide. The arguments presented rely on the patients’ autonomy and the right of competent people to choose the means of their death (Lo, 2010). Physician assisted suicide is not ethically permissible because it violates the old-fashioned duty of a physician to take care of life and to do no harm (American Society of Registered Nurses, 2010; Starks, 2013). In addition, legalizing physician assisted suicide would lead to abuse of the practice and euthanasia. For example, a physician could advice the poor and disabled patients to undergo physician assisted suicide rather than to go through a complex and costly palliative care (Starks et al, 2013).
Do no harm
Traditionally, taking life is prohibited. Physicians are under oath to never administer poison to others and to be of benefit and do no harm to their patients. Associations like the American Medical Association and American Genriatrics Society are against physician assisted death (Starks et al, 2013). When physician assisted suicide is administered to a patient, it is generally seen and a concern in the integrity of the professsion and a damage to the public image of the medical practictioners. There is an ethical dilemma when physicians administer suicide to their patients. It is seen as a breach on their codes of ethics and even humantity (Department for Innovation,University & Skills, 2007). There have been several cases in courts in the U.S. like the the case of Washington versus Glucksberg and Vacco verses Quill, where the issue of physician assisted suicide, poses a dillema in the courts on incriminating medical practicitioners that engaged in physician asssisted suicide (Starks et al, 2013). Morally, it causes a lot of fracas because it is seen as diminishing the sanctity of life that are upheld by religious and traditional groups that prohibit assistance in dying. Physicians are supposed to ensure the development of others and not add to their death. When dying is passive, it means the patients are dying by themselves but when it is active, the physicians are responsible for the hastening of the death. The respect of life is not met by the phsysicians and it is not ethically justifiable (Department for Innovation,University &a...
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