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Literature Writing Assignment Paper on Lolita

Essay Instructions:

Reading response blog - Lolita
You should not summarize or talk about “plot,” but rather highlight a particular aspect of craft as it pertains to character development, that interests you as a writer, or that as a reader enriches your reading experience and understanding of the story.
Here is an example of what one of my classmates did for this assignment (DO NOT COPY THE PROFESSOR HAS READ THIERS).
My word, this book has some absolutely gorgeous language that I, nearly half the time, don't understand. I didn't have any doubts that I was going to enjoy the book, even knowing the subject material, but I really didn't think I was going to enjoy it this much. The language of the book was, from page one, just gorgeous, even though I had to look up several words within the first few pages, and I was very impressed by his use of language and the way he used words that don't exist, but entirely convey the meaning without explaining it, such as “bloodripe.” I think the thing that got me the most was Humbert's comments thrown in in the middle of sentences, like his own little jokes that I'm sure he giggled to himself over. The book is hilarious to me because of those, they're little jokes that are way too academic for me to be making them, since the language is so much more advanced han anything I could hope to achieve, but they're wonderful to read.
Now I'll be honest, I didn't finish reading it because too many things got in the way and I'm full of excuses, but from what I did read, I liked Humbert, and that makes me feel conflicted as a person. I don't generally identify with, or forgive pedophiles for what they do, but I find myself being more understanding than I'm possibly comfortable with. Because on the one hand, at least with this story, it seems that Lolita is making decisions to do things on her own, and yes she's a child, but there is cognition there. And of course because she's a child she's easily influenced by the media surrounding them (such as the magazines she looks at), and since it's Humbert's account, who's to say he's telling the truth, right? But she's also had some sexcapades with a boy of her own age because it's fun and what kids do I suppose, so I'm really conflicted. I know what he's doing is wrong, but I can't find myself blaming him for going through with things once I get passed the fact that he falls in love with girls a bit too young. It's a very messy situation in my head because of this book.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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I can describe Lolita as being both exciting and sensual, scandalous and learned. Its content passes as lascivious but moving. As for its style, it is high but definitely not as high as blunt jokes. It is pretty difficult to put down how I feel about the book especially in words but I must admit that the challenge is quite enticing hence am going to do my best.
The story is built on a pedophile who seizures a minor and sleeps with her. Well, I do not support the act but the way Humbert, the pedophile, goes about it, I cannot help but have sympathy on him. Lolita had already lost her virginity before she met Humbert hence there was nothing to do with innocence. However, the book has a picture of her with chestnut brown hair ...
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