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Logic & Critical Thinking

Essay Instructions:

Critical thinking analysis paper. APA format double space two pages.

- Clearly identify the argument(s) in this passage below.

-Reason in support for the chosen position in the form of an essential claim premise.

-Anticipate one objection to your position, and state how you would respond reasonably to the person making the objection.

" On February 11, 2003, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Sate of Arkansas could force death row prisoner Charles Laverne Singleton to take anti-psychotic drugs to make him sane enough to execute. Singleton was to be executed for felony capital murder but became insane while in prison. "Medicine is supposed to healed people, not prepare them for execution. A law that asks doctors to make people well so that the government can kill them is an absurd law." Said David Kaczynski, the execute director of New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty."

Reference Kaczynsky, D.(2011). The Director's Corner. NYADP Journal, Vol 1. Retrieved from www(dot)nyadp(dot)org

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Logic & Critical Thinking
Institutional Affiliation;
February the 11th of 2003, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeal made a ruling that the State of Arkansas would have the chance to force the prisoner Charles Laverne Singleton to a death row through an ingestion of an antipsychotic drug into his system in order to make him sane for execution. Singleton was to face execution for capital murder but during his sentence in prison he became insane (Gottlieb, 2003). According to sources, medicine should be used in healing sick people and not in preparing them for execution. Any law that grants doctors an opportunity to turn people sane to carry out a government's process of execution may be considered absurd.
The Argument in this Passage
In this case, it is critical to determine that it is in many instances against the law to execute insane prisoners through a process of medication. However in the case of Charles Laverne Singleton, his eligibility for the execution that was passed by the court required that the prisoner be medicated in order for him to ascent to the legal execution that was granted to him for his felony (Gottlieb, 2003).
In other words, the drugs would benefit the prisoner, and the court had no consideration of the results that would have followed the medication of the detainee. The main reason that supports this claim is in correlation to the fact that medicine remains an essential regimen in curing ill patients and not in executing individuals in a death row. This clearly points out to the fact that the court had to warrant this process in order to allow the prisoner to warran...
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