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"Little Lost Robot"- Isaac Asimov's. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

How does Isaac Asimov's story " Little Lost Robot" highlight human anxieties about technology, such as public fear of self-aware autonomous humanoid robots? As part of this discussion, include reference to any automated system, such as military drones, health-care robots, or driverless cars, and discuss one or two of the ethical issues involved in artificial intelligence.

" Little Lost Robot"- Isaac Asimov's



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Little Lost Robot
The coming and passing of “the age of robots” is what drives fear and anxiety into human beings. Humans are the masters but considering the complex nature and large scope of activities that robots can do, humans fear they will soon be the slaves. As a result, there is general anxiety in the human population directed towards the technology used in creating robots. In the “Little Lost Robot” story, Isaac Asimov portrays how the existence of robots in a society generates anxiety. Therefore, this paper seeks to highlight human anxieties about robots and the technology used in their creation.
Robots actions and behavior mainly depend on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed by humans. As a result, deletion or addition to the artificial intelligence elements affects the robots. Consequently, anxiety in humans is due to the fear that robots may harm them because they do not interpret things on their own. For instance, Nestor-10 disappears when told to get lost by physicist Gerald Black because it interprets things in white and black. The physician was speaking colloquially, but the robot literally tries to disappear. This creates a huge amount of anxiety among the other physicians as they fear the robot would harm people.
On the other hand, robots perform a wide scope of activities that has resulted to human beings fearing for their own jobs. To make matters worse, the robots can perform tasks that humans can not even dare to think of. In the story, the robots can just walk through radiation which is very harmful to human beings. Fast forward, in current competing conditions in the economy, their speed and accuracy of work has endured them to all industries. For instance, SoftBank, a Japanese company empl...
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