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Literature Review: Twitter in Education

Essay Instructions:

TOPIC: [Public Sphere (including Opinion Leadership) and Affinity Space on twitter that related to adult learning and education.]

1.Read About HGSE first, we are doing this project for HGSE

2.Read SWOT and Research Proposal to get a sense of what our theories are.

3.Find Literatures and do literature review on

(I already attached 5 literatures, do literature review on at least 3 of them, must use“How and Why Educators Use Twitter A Survey of the Field”)

4. connection between affinity space and Public Sphere

Assignment is:

Do literature review on Twitter & Education/Educators in online spaces. About:

1.Why they are on Twitter, How and why educators use twitter?

2.Why it is important to have educators on twitter?

3.Why it is important for them to use twitter as a learning tool and a teaching tool?

4.Tweet Types? (optional)

5.To connect with public sphere (opinion leadership) and affinity space

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Literature Review
Student’s Name
Literature Review
The literature on Twitter use in education describes various educational applications at different educational levels, from first graders to graduate students. Studies show that educators use Twitter for three basic reasons: -to improve communication, to enhance classroom activities and to promote professional development(Carpenter & Krutka, 2014). Carpenter and Krutka (2014) demonstrated that Twitter can boost communication between learners and educators. Although research on communication use of Twitter is limited, numerous practitioner-oriented articles detail its use in communication. According to Carpenter and Krutka (2014), educators can use micro-blogging to inform or update school communities on events, activities and policy changes.
Twitter can also connect educators, learners, administrators and other educational stakeholders through a common hashtag or interaction between accounts. In higher education, micro-blogging can facilitate greater communication between students and instructors(Carpenter & Krutka, 2014). An instructor can use Twitter to remind students about assignment deadlines and certain activities. Besides, Twitter can help students interact socially and professionally. Most importantly, Twitter enablesinhibited students to speak directly to the educator(Ricoy & Feliz, 2016). In this case, instructors use Twitter to encourage introverted students to participate in learning activities.
Another area where educators use Twitter is classroom activities. Examples of classroom activities where Twitter is applicable include back-channeling, resource sharing, historical perspective-taking and reenactment, and media studies(Carpenter & Krutka, 2014). Back-channeling through twitter refers to an action that enables learners to continue with a conversation or ask questions regarding a lecture, a movie or any concurrent activity(Carpenter & Krutka, 2014). University students have linked Twitter use in-class activities to increasedcourse satisfaction. According to Rehm and Notten (2016), Twitter ca...
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