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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
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Literature, Business, and Social Change Paper

Essay Instructions:
The contemporary workplace is defined by change: changing cultures, changing organizational structures, changing values, changing techniques, and changing technology. In a paper of 500 words and make an analytical argument about the role literature can and should play as businesses cope with social change. You must provide illustrating examples from poetry, fiction, and essays to support your claims. This paper must be also be researched; you must incorporate at least two outside sources beyond your textbook. Use standard APA formatting and style, and document any sources from the readings.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
CHANGING ENVIRONMENT IN WORKPLACE ABOUT: SOMETHING HASN’T CHANGED EVEN WITH THE TECHNOLOGY CHANGE IN BOTH NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE WAYS Name: Grade Course: Tutor’s Name: (10, November, 2010) Changing Environment in Workplace about Something Hasn’t Changed Even With The Technology Change In Both Negative and Positive Ways Introduction The contemporary workplace environment is as a result of integrated changes in organizational culture, structure and values. Reich (2008) gives a clarification by stating clearly that change is sudden, nonlinear, and constant. In the workplace, sometimes radical changes are inevitable, this are those changes that brings frequent dramatic effects at the work place. Persuading a person to take a different route away from what they are accustomed to, does not guarantee total cooperation. Loss of productivity is always associated with continuous resistance to change in the work place setup. Changes in Organizational Culture, Structures and Values Effective changes at the work place require active participation and understanding from all the stakeholders. The advancements in the market and the current trends must be relayed to the personnel in order for a smooth transition. The dangers that are associated with the resistance to change have to be weighed against the benefits; change may subject an organization to stiff competition that emanates from counterparts with dynamic systems.  Managers are very instrumental in instituting changes in the organizational structures. They must therefore ensure overall changes whenever necessary. Individuals have to be convinced of the possible positive aspects that change brings. Strategies have to be implemented effectively in the process of introducing change. In Organizations, the culture is defined as key values, and the norms which are adopted by the members of a particular organization that share a common interest in terms of vision and mission. The cultural organization can be divided into visible and invisible, the visible aspect is composed of company symbols...
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