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Lifespan Development: Gender and Racial Differences

Essay Instructions:

Answer any one question from Part I Section I (in at least a one-page essay) and any one question from Part I Section II (in at least a one-page essay) not counting name, date, and question numbers for a total of at least two pages not including name etc. Then do the same thing for Part II. Answer any on question from Part II Section I (in at least one-page essay) and any one question from Part II Section II (in at least a one-page essay). Total should be 3-4 pages for the 4 questions.

(PART I, Section I)
Interpretive questions for Shipley Hyde’s “The Gender Similarities Hypothesis:” and Gates, M. (2019) The moment of lift: How empowering women changes the world. New York, NY: Flatiron Books. Chapter 4: Lifting their eyes: Girls in schools
1. According to Janet Shipley Hyde, what are the policy implications of a gender differences model in contrast to a gender similarities model? Explain.
2. Why does Hyde think that “context” is so important in understanding gender similarities? Explain.
3. Can the data presented by Janet Shipley Hyde support a gender difference model? Justify your answer by citing the data.
4. If Shipley Hyde is correct, and men and women are more similar than different, why are women paid less on average and face greater discrimination? Why do men, on average, experience a higher mortality rate in comparison to women?
5. According to Gates: “One of the biggest challenges in changing the culture is lifting up the self-image of the kids.” (page 98 and page 108) What does Gates mean by this?
6. Pick one narrative (story) in the reading by Melinda Gates that especially resonated with you and explain why the story had an effect on you.
7. Explain why Gates thinks communities better develop by educating girls than boys. (Pages 92-102)

(Part II, Section II)
Interpretive questions for Deborah Luepnitz's case presentation in "Same Bed – Different Dreams"?
1. How are Karl and Daphne’s dilemmas reflected in Rosie’s developmental issues? Did Karl and Daphne’s couple therapy help resolve Rosie’s issues? Explain.
2. How do the characteristics of Daphne’s development and parents influence her marital issues? How do the characteristics of Karl’s development and parents influence his marital issues?
3. Initially, Luepnitz was more sympathetic to Karl’s position than Daphne’s position (counter-transference?). Did her sympathies influence her subsequent intervention with them? Explain.
4. At one point in therapy, Dr. Luepnitz suggests a moratorium on the question of more children for a while (page 37). Later she wondered about this decision because a fundamental rule of psychoanalysis is to say everything that comes to mind. What may have been some pros and cons of this moratorium decision for this therapy?
5. What changes took place in this therapy? What factors or processes played a role in the changes that took place in this therapy?
6. At one point, Daphne nearly dropped out of therapy. How was she able to continue in therapy? What factors played a role in her continuing with therapy?
7. What does Luepnitz mean by “transference” and “counter-transference” in therapy? Give an example from the case to illustrate transference or counter-transference issues.
8. How does Shipley Hyde’s theory of gender similarities apply to this couple? Are there more gender similarities than differences? Explain.
(Part II, Section I)
1. How do the Gusii “pediatric model” and the American “pedagogical model” of child care reflect economic and demographic realities in each culture?
2. According to LeVine, what are the positive outcomes and the negative outcomes of the pediatric and respect/obedience model on Gusii development?
3. According to Levine, how does the American Pedagogical model prepare children for roles in American culture? What are the positive and negative consequences of this preparation? Explain.
4. What lessons may be learned from LeVine et al. (1994) Early Child Development…. of Gusii children at age 13 (pages 267-269)? Explain.
5. Explain why American parents should just relax according to LeVine and LeVine (2016)? (See Introduction of “Do patents Matter?”)
6. LeVine and LeVine (2016) write that what is standard in one country may be “unacceptable, illegal or immoral in another.” (page xx) Give one example of this from their book, Do Parents Matter. What is an implication of this phenomenon?
7. In Chapter 1, LeVine and LeVine (2016) cite several instances of "parent blaming" without sound evidence to justify the blaming in American psychology over the past century. Give one example of blaming behavior in their book with a possible explanation for the blaming behavior.
8. Levine and Levine (2016) maintain the credibility of attachment (Bowlby) theory does not hold up empirically (pages 23-27). Explain why they think so.
9. According to LeVine and LeVine (2016), what is the lesson of breech birthers in Botswana, Kenya and Central America? (See Chapter 2 in Do Parents Matter?)
10. What are two criticisms in the LeVine and LeVine (2016) critique of psychologists’ making recommendations on parenting over the past 120 years? (see chapter 1 in Do Parents Matter?)

(Part II, Section II)
Maya Angelou “High School Graduation”: Identity development in adolescence.
1. How is it that Henry Reed is able to lead the singing that puts the graduating class and the audience “on top again”? Also, what does “on top again” mean?
2.What does it tell us about Henry Reed that he was courteous, respectful, and soft spoken to elders but on the playground chose to play the roughest games?
3. Why has Henry Reed made Hamlet’s “To Be or Not to Be” soliloquy the theme of his valedictory address
4. Why does singing the Black National Anthem make Marguerite change from thinking that the Negro race is inferior to believing it is "wonderful, beautiful"?
5. Why is this the first time that Marguerite has really heard the words of the Black National Anthem?
6. Why does Dunleavy’s speech make Marguerite start to hate the whole human race or make her name lose “its ring of familiarity?”
7. Why does Marguerite’s feeling that it is awful to be a Negro make her wish that everyone of all races and nationalities was dead?
8. What does Marguerite mean when she says that “slavery cured her people of the weakness of raising monuments and sacrificing to the memories of their poets?”
9. Why does Marguerite say that her people survive “in exact relationship to the dedication of our poets (include preachers, musicians, and blues singers)?”
10. Why is the audience moved or inspired by the Black National Anthem and not Shakespeare’s “To Be or Not To Be”?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Lifespan Development
institutional Affiliation
Lifespan Development
Part I Section I
Q#4 Why women are paid less on average and face greater discrimination and why men, on average, experience a higher mortality rate in comparison to women.
Janet Shibley Hyde’s research is centered on the psychology of women, gender, and human sexuality (Hyde, 2005). Meta-analyses on psychological gender differences and related issues make Hyde believe that men and women are more similar than different. The question of whether women and men are fundamentally similar or different has dominated debates for over a century. Hyde examines this contention of gender differences from the perspectives of cognitive, social learning theory, evolutionary theory, expectancy-value theory, and sociocultural theory to conclude that girls and boys and women and men are fundamentally alike than they are different in most, but not in entirely every psychological variable, through a gender similarities hypothesis (Hyde, 2005). Nevertheless, critics of the hypothesis have attacked Hyde's viewpoint based on the observation that women are often paid less and face greater discrimination in society compared to men. In contrast, men tend to record higher rates of mortality than women.
In some states around the world, women have been shown to perform lower in mathematics. They are poorly represented in careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and this explains why there is a gender gap in terms of pay. Studies indicate that the gender stratification hypothesis supports the view that gender differences in pay scales are associated with the cultural variation in opportunity structures among women and girls (Else-Quest et al., 2010). Similarly, men experience a higher mortality rate due to greater risk-taking behaviors such as smoking than women, resulting in the widening gap between the genders. Research has also shown that the gap widens further due to the differences in physical skills and intellectual risks (Bynes et al., 1999). Nevertheless, the gender gap is shrinking in modern times, where women have increasingly displayed more risk-taking behaviors such as donating living organs than men.
Part I Section II
Q#8 Shipley’s Hyde’s theory of gender similarities in “Schopenhauer’s Hyde” couple
In “Schopenhauer’s Porcupines”, Deborah Anna Luepnitz tells true stories about patients she has attended during her practice as a clinical psychologist. The author notes that both women and men have similar experiences in their relationships discontent. However, like the porcupine's fable, the couple tells about the thorny nature of their intimacy. The dilemmas of the porcupines of having to remain close in cold winter to keep warm but are forced to spread apart to avoid poking each other with their quills are symbolized. While the couple demands some levels of autonomy, the need for dependence still remains, which Luepnitz describes as a perennial problem in most marriages and relationships. The story of Rita Quincey Pearl about her marriage with Joshua relates to the lives of porcupines that need autonomy but has to huddle for warmth during winter (Luepnitz, 2002). By wanting it all from partners, these demands breed criticism that can be demeaning and impacts intimacy.
While Pearl enjoyed the intimate relationship with Joshua, she was worried particularly about her lost time and wanted to let her partner know that she needed more time alone. She found it satisfying trading her love pleasures for being alone for at least a month to think and write and wished she did not enter any relationship. Back in Africa, Pearl worked with Joshua, met his family, and committed to each other. Nevertheless, Joshua's demands seemed to be different from those of Pearl about the issue of children. Pearl anticipated having only one or no child, while Joshua expected eight. Before she met Joshua, Pearl had not considered hav...
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