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Social Issue Analysis: The Life Of Immigrant In Our Society

Essay Instructions:

Your skills that have been practiced throughout the course will be assessed in this paper and conclude with you constructing your own argument on a position. Your argument can be a contradiction, a support, or an alteration of the argument you've research. Whichever you choose should be sufficiently supported with materials covered throughout the course and your own outside research.

This assignment should continue with the social issue research conducted in Topic 2

In 750-1,000 words

Summarize the position/argument researched. This should be presented in a clear logical form. This includes translating their rhetoric into: premises and conclusion, identifying the category of propositions, and quality and quantity of the parts.

Identify the assumptions of the position by drawing inferences from their communicated proposition to their position regarding human dignity.

Construct a valid and sound argument that contradicts, challenges, or improves the position of the organization.

At least three academic peer-reviewed sources are required for this paper.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected. In-text citations and references should be presented using APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

This assignment measures programmatic competency

4.2: Examine the connections between ethical communication and human dignity.

4.4: Construct ethical arguments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The life of Immigrant in Our Society
The Life of Immigrant in Our Society
Immigration life is a continuous problem in the United States with majority flocking the nation from the Mexican border, through the Pacific Ocean and many other ways. Even though the USA faces issues of illegal immigration, the main issue regarding immigration in the USA is the life of an immigrant. Immigrants suffer from numerous problems in the new society or country, and such issues are usually influenced by different factors, especially economic and sociocultural. The immigrants have to cope with the norms of new culture and change their traditional lifestyle, learn the new cultural rules, language and get the proper financial position. Immigrants face problems of integration in the new community coupled with sociocultural and economic factors. The present essay gives a support that immigrants face the challenge of inclusion in the new society.
The primary problem that immigrants face in their new country or society is the language barrier. The immigrants, especially in the USA, meet communication issues since they do not understand the local language and have poor language skills and proficiency. Even though language falls under the cultural spectrum, proper integration of immigrants in the local community needs the command of language skills. Local language enhances the development of social relations with the members of the locality which enables the immigrant to find a place in the new region (Garcia de Blakeley, Ford & Casey, 2017). Therefore, lack of language proficiency leads to a barrier in communication that separates the immigrants from the rest of the people within the locality. Besides, inadequate language skills reduce the economic position of the immigrants compared to other immigrants who are fond of the local language hence may get employment or get good jobs. Consequently, the immigrants who have no command of the local language have low payments and are at high risk of experiencing issues of unemployment (Garcia de Blakeley, Ford & Casey, 2017).
Unemployment is another immigrant life problem that links between the economic and sociocultural spectrum. Immigrants are unable to get well-paying jobs and are unable to compete successfully with the local labor force at the top levels. In most cases, immigrants get low or semi-qualified jobs (Foner 2017). The issue of unemployment contradicts the notion that many immigrants are usually skilled labor and helps in the improvement of local production in the USA. Most of the immigrants have low educational backgrounds and hence their qualifications would not meet the job demands as most of the immigrants are from developing nations which are smaller than the developed countries. The difference in quality of ed...
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