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This Emotional Life: Emotions and Happiness

Essay Instructions:

Please separate pages by task and their citations. (APA format) please.

Task 1

Emotions and Happiness

Watch –"This Emotional Life (D2)" (movie)

Why is this particular segment important for understanding emotions?

Why is this particular segment important for understanding happiness and well-being?

TASK: - Explain the research connection between fear and happiness. Submit a 2-page analysis using appropriate citations. Be sure to reference concepts from the video "This Emotional Life". Please find 2-3 research articles (at least one from a refereed journal) to support your analysis.

(Please use intext citation within the analysis)

Task 2

Rethinking Happiness


Select one concept presented in this video that may be viewed as a pathway to happiness. Then complete the following in a 2-4 page analysis:

*What is the concept? How do you define this concept? Why did you select this concept to analyze?

*Using academic and online resources, identify the scientific research that references your chosen concept. Discuss/explain the findings of two articles that support the connection between this concept and happiness. Discuss/explain the findings of two articles that do not support the connection.

*Based on the findings of your research, do you believe that your chosen concept is a viable pathway to happiness? Why or why not?

*Be sure to cite your sources appropriately.

(Please use intext citations within the analysis)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

This Emotional Life
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Emotions and Happiness
The second section of the movie “this emotional life” is important in regard to understanding emotions because it talks about anger, fear, despair and anxiety as being the key obstacle to happiness. An emotion is a feeling and therefore it plays a substantial part in a human being, of determining whether they will be happy in life or not. Anger is an emotion that makes a person feel sad and the manner in which human beings control it depends on how much they understand how it feels to be angry. In different occasion individual may face challenges in life which in turn, makes them angry without their knowledge and would end up unhappy. Also, fear, despair and anxiety as described in this section of the movie results to an individual being happy, and, therefore, understanding their cause and how they feel like is a great way of working out a path to happiness. Hence, the description offered helps the viewer in understanding emotions and ways of dealing with them (Cheung, I., & Olson, J. M. (2013).
The section is important in understanding happiness and well-being because they are achieved by understanding the obstacles of happiness and knowing ways through which an individual can overcome them in order to live a happy life. The different obstacles discussed are anxiety, fear, despair and anger. Therefore, once an individual has a good understanding of these emotions, they can learn how to overcome them whenever they occur. As a result, they end up living a happy life which is the key to the well-being of a person. Different emotions bring different effects to the human body. However, not all emotions can result to an individual being happy hence the importance of watching the second section of this movie in order to differentiate the different feelings that an individual can be faced with in life.
Fear and happiness have a relationship in that the two cannot happen in someone’s life at the same time. Fear is an emotion that is caused by the idea of feeling scared about a particular thing and, therefore, it plays a big role in an individual’s life by making them unhappy. Being scared can come along with other emotions such as anxiety and despair due to the fact that, the idea of being scared is unpredictable. An individual doesn’t know the results that fear will come along with. In order for an individual to be happy in life, then they should not let any emotions that make them sad overcome their feelings because happiness and sadness cannot be felt at the same time. Hence, an individual should set personal goals of dealing with the feelings that come along with fear to ensure that they do not end up feeling sad. Also, it is important for a person to avoid situation that would result into them having the emotion of fear because it will replace their well-being with sadness. Concisely, happiness and fear are both emotions that an individual can control their occurrence depending on the people that they interact with, the daily activities that they associate with, and their lifestyle (Hornsey, Wohl & Philpot, 2015). Associating oneself with happiness eliminates fear in life while on the other hand, choosing to live a happy life gives someone the confidence that is required to do away with the feeling of fear and other feelings that come along with it.
Cheung, I., & Olson, J. M. (2013). Sometimes it's easier to forgive my transgressor than your transgressor: effects of subjective temporal distance on forgiveness for harm to self or close other. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(1), 195-200.
Hornsey, M. J., Wohl, M. J., & Philpot, C. R. (2015). Collective apologies and their effects on forgivenes...
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