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Lessons from The Assembly Line Essay

Essay Instructions:

I need a essay on the authors claim,key points target audience what choices does the author make to connect with audience and explain your evaluation of the authors claim. My article is SOME LESSONS FROM THE ASSEMBLY LINE by Andrew Braaksma

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Lessons from The Assembly Line
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The article “Some Lessons from the Assembly Line” is a compelling piece written by Andrew Braaksma. The author suggests that people should not take for granted pursuing a college education based on the hardships he describes as a blue-collar laborer (Braaksma, 2005). He compares the college studies and his experiences as a laborer. He encourages people to take a college education seriously before delving into the workforce; as there are some lessons that cannot be learned in the classroom. He gives us vivid images through his descriptions, and paints a picture of the hardships in life and the factory without a proper education. The author’s experiences with long hours, heavy machinery, long working hours and poor wages portray a life without a proper college education. These challenges compel him to work harder in school and expose others to the difficulties of blue-collar employment. His article raised up valid claims that hard work is not restricted to the classroom and that lessons are also learned outside the classroom.
The author raises key points in his article, one of which is the struggles of the wages of blue-collar work as opposed to a college graduate. He mentions feeling undervalued after looking at his pay slip. The author feels that most college students would feel as though their time and efforts are wasted on such an endeavor. His disbelief is evident when he is shocked at how small his paycheck seems (Braaksma, 2005). Living on campus i...
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