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English (U.S.)
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Lesson Plan in English

Essay Instructions:

After analyzing assessment data to understand patterns and gaps in learning, the next step in instructional planning is to develop lessons that integrate the information to create appropriate learning experiences.

For this assignment, select a topic from your Assessment Analysis Action Plan to create a single lesson plan using the “COE Lesson Plan Template.”

Focus on the following:

National/State Learning Standards – List reading or writing standard from the Assessment Analysis Action Plan

Specific Learning Objectives – Align to selected standard

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology – Include a rationale for how resources provide differentiated learning experiences

Anticipatory Set – Include rationale for how student interest and prior knowledge are integrated

Multiple Means of Representation – Include rationale for how assessment data was used to adapt the planning and instruction for differentiated learning

Multiple Means of Expression – Include rationale and modifications for how the assessments in the lesson plan can be used to monitor and adjust instruction and create diverse learning experiences

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name:

Grade Level:



Instructional Plan Title:

Lesson Summary and Focus:

In 2-3 sentences, summarize the lesson, identifying the central focus based on the content and skills you are teaching.

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:

Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners), and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students. This should be limited to 2-3 sentences and the information should inform the differentiation components of the lesson.

National/State Learning Standards:

Reading - performance indicators include fluency, phonics and word recognition, print concepts, and phonological awareness.
Writing - performance indicators include production and distribution of writing, research to build and present knowledge, and range of writing.
Listening and speaking – performance indicators include comprehension and collaboration and presentation of knowledge and ideas.
Language – performance indicators include demonstrated command of the English language, ability to apply knowledge of the language, and vocabulary acquisition and use.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:

When asked to read a paragraph in a book, students will read the excerpt fluently.
The teacher picks two characters in a book and asks the students to describe each of them in their exercise books. The students describe the characters in correct grammar.
Listening and Speaking
When the teacher reads out an excerpt in a book and asks the students a question based on it, the students are able to provide accurate answers using correct grammar.
Students are divided into groups. The teacher gives them exact copies of a passage written in poor grammar and asks them to make the necessary corrections. The students make all the necessary corrections.

Academic Language

In this section, include a bulleted list of the general academic vocabulary and content-specific vocabulary you need to teach. In a few sentences, describe how you will teach students those terms in the lesson.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:

30 copies of the same book
Six copies of a passage excerpt
A whiteboard marker

Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
* I will begin by asking the students what they remember about the story we read in the previous lesson.
* I will proceed to write each of the things the students mention on the whiteboard marker.
* I will ask the students to describe how hard it was to read the book. To explain why, I will ask the students to state whether it was due to vocabulary, comprehension or other reasons. Using the whiteboard marker, I will again list each of these reasons.

Time Needed
10 minutes

Multiple Means of Representation
* I will use graphic organizers that include different adjectives to help the students come up with character descriptions.
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