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Learning as an Ultimate Guide for Future Choices

Essay Instructions:

Imagine it is 2050 (2-3 Pages):

As you reflect back on your life (from this point to 2050), what are the core values and principles that have been influential in developing your character and making decisions? How would you like your family members, friends, and co-workers to describe your personal style of leadership? What contributions or achievements will you have completed?


I am a STUDENT from CHINA. I grew up in CHINA, my major is LANDSCAPE and I studied abroad when I was in college.

My father is the director of architectural design and structural reinforcement. He gave me a lot of advice on architecture. I also worked as an intern in a construction company in CHINA

My mother is a company accountant, and she is my LIFE COACH

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Now, from the standpoint of 2050, I see myself as an optimized version of myself in terms of how I approach leadership. I have covered miles from not being able to adapt to change and being reluctant to take advice all the way to be able to discover and adopt the most befitting style. Three core values around which my understanding of leadership revolves include vision, optimism, and shared value. Struggling to find my feet in a large multinational corporation in the past 30 years, I have come to understand the value of teamwork that has a shared vision lying at its heart. To me, leadership is the ability to inject the vision into subordinates' force and make them put in collective efforts to ensure its speedy accomplishment.
The life I have lived in the past years has been a unique kind of experience. Most of the things I have learned are from my time in college and universities. My leadership skills took a huge turn when I entered college. Before my time in the university, my principles and core values as a leader were very versatile. Sometimes, I used to be autocratic, and at other times I was democratic.
A Model United Nation's event comes every two times during college life. Similar was my college situation. I was very excited when this particular event came. I had heard so much about it but never had participated in such an event. So, this factor added to my curiosity. I couldn't even sleep before the night of the event. Anyways, the next day I participated in the debate; unfortunately, it was a fail. I was used to my autocratic leadership style. So, I applied it with my teammates, which ended our debate very severely as I didn't listen to my friends' points of view. At that moment, I realized that I had to work on my interpersonal skills. I had to become a team player in order to succeed further in the future. At that point, I knew I had to change my leading ways for good.
So, as time passed, I decided to open myself up to different kinds of leading styles. In 2025, I had graduated from college. Now, it was my time to search for a job vacancy or pitch a busines...
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