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Leadership: How to Lead This Challenging Group Response

Essay Instructions:

You will open the article entitled "How to Lead This Challenging Group" and the "Definition of Leadership" article that are both submitted in the weekly module.

In this first part one, you will write your memo/ analysis and answer to the question posed in the "How to Lead the Challenging Group" article. You will also use one of the leadership styles focused on the article, Definition of Leadership. Your analysis should be two full pages in length. Submit the assignment as a Microsoft Office Word document. And you will receive an individual grade for this part one submission.

How would you lead this challenging group? 

Directions: read the scenario and answer the question. No answer could be incorrect, so this is a matter of opinion as long as you answer the question with substance. The main focus of your response should reflect on one of the leadership models in the article “definition of leadership” that has been provided for you in this week’s module.
Most importantly, you cannot terminate anyone as a way to solve the problem.  If you were a supervisor in an organization, you would not terminate anyone just because you cannot work with him/her as an immediate answer. Be sure to format your answer in a memorandum format.  You are welcome to draw your response on all chapters in the textbook we have covered thus far in the semester. Chapter 14 is a good chapter to focus on because it addresses conflict in meetings. 
Answer the challenging question in memorandum form but also, address each member of your team one at a time. Your content should be two pages. This is a small paper, so get to the point, no summaries about the situation because the situation is explained. 
Your scenario: you have been promoted to the executive communication and sales analyist position for vandacorp industries. In your new role, you are responsible for providing open and supportive communication for the company employees and also, encourage sales staff and other employees, to increase the company’s productivity and sales. 
Productivity for vandacorp has dropped dramatically in the last fiscal quarter. Your new boss has instructed you to lead a team of sales associates to increase sales productivity for the company. Question: how will you successfully lead the team of indviduals to achieve productivity?  
Here are your  diverse team of individuals that you will lead in this task: 
Malcolm: an african american male, harvard graduate, in his 20’s, very intelligent, and personally told you and others at the company, that he wants your job. 
Frank: caucasian male in his late 50’s, executive for the company who has been hired by your boss to watch your leadershiip style, he (frank) told you that all women are emotional and therefore, horrible leaders.
Julie: a caucasian woman, who is a graduate of the university of n.C at greensboro bryan school,  and she is very introverted and never likes to speak in meetings, she has low self esteem, and cries at every meeting. 
Lolita: a latina female, a graduate of appalachian state university, very extroverted and considerate of fellow employees and quite smart. However, she hates working with frank and malcolm because of their attitudes towards women. 
Chen: an asian american, very loyal to the company and recent graduate of duke university in the master of business administration program. He believes teamwork is the most important aspect of being successful.
Barbara: an african american woman who was the vice president of marketing for the company.She graduated from the massachusetts institute of technology and she unfortunately, has been demoted significantly to sales associate due to a misunderstanding with the company. She is very bitter and has a terrible attitude.  She does not like working with anyone. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Literature and Language
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Based on the question, the leadership styles I will use here are position-based and person-based because the diversity of the members of my team should be handled accordingly.
If I will lead the team, it is crucial for them to have a person of authority to follow because no matter how negative or positive the background of a person is, if they can look up to an authority, they will head to one goal. The person-based character can be used in leading them properly because Frank and Malcolm need to become professional towards working with women. Julia’s confidence needs improvement and if she sees my support, she can achieve more. Both styles of leadership will be effective for Barbara because even if she does not like working with anyone, she will be given tasks by me that will make her overcome that. She will be teamed with Chen in doing tasks because I believe that he could be a positive influence to Barbara and can work with anyone in the group. Chen will have my guidance in all of their tasks and can talk to me in case he is having problems with Barbara. Even if Lolita does not like to work with Frank and Malcolm, I will still make her work with anyone because an extroverted person can easily mesh well with anyone and as a leader, I should show her how she can turn s...
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