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Latinos in the Military and the Natural Science Professions

Essay Instructions:

In Essay 3 you will compare and contrast the experiences that diverse groups encounter in two different settings: the military and the natural science professions (STEM). Please be sure to review the learning materials for this module before beginning to address this assignment.

Here are your instructions for this assignment that will form the foundation of your Essay 3

Select one group of minorities — Latinos.

Create a research topic/question that will allow you to compare and contrast the treatment, prejudices faced, and challenges encountered in the organizations experienced by your group, both in the military and in the STEM fields.

For example:

My group: Latinos

Research topic/question: “(The group you wish to consider) that enter the army or try to enter the STEM fields often confront prejudices and stereotyping that limits their ability to succeed. This forces them to leave the army and the STEM fields at an unacceptable rate.”

Create a short (2+ pages) outline for this topic/research question detailing how you will examine these two institutions’ approach your group. Be objective; use facts and data from your research. Cover one and then the other, then compare and contrast the facts you have located. How are the two institutions’ approaches to or treatment of your group alike, and how are they dissimilar?

Show the unequal treatment of your group by both institutions. Ex.: (Your chosen group makes up 50% of the U.S.. population, but only 10% of those with terminal STEM degrees and only 20% of officers in the army. (Johnson, 2013))

Discuss how the covert or overt policies (that limit the participation of women and minorities) can ultimately be detrimental to the whole country.

List two academic resources you will be using, one for each perspective. Give complete APA style references for each.

Essay 3 DUE, should be 1500 to 2000 words in length (not including title page and reference page). The paper must contain in-text citations and references in APA style. Papers submitted without in-text citations and a reference page will not be accepted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Latinos in the military and the natural science professions (STEM)
Course title:
There is a need for a country to offer equal opportunities to all citizens and not depending on the ethnic background of individuals. This makes it possible for an equal development of the country as the majority and the minority groups are properly considered in recruitment process of the available posts. Policy makers of a particular nation are aimed at achieving the set macro-economic goals of the country through continuous economic growth and reducing the level of unemployment. In the United States of America the scientists, engineers, mathematicians and technology graduates are important for the development of the nation and the military. The STEM fields are hardly pursued by the minority due to their unfair treatment in the recruitment process making it hard to secure jobs with high wages for the development of the minority group. There is an unfair treatment for the Latinos in military and natural sciences professionals in science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses.
Comparison and contrast in terms of
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) staff are expected to be highly qualified and with great quality for the development of government and private sectors of a nation. STEM is essential in improving the living standards of individuals through employment and making the economy of the United States stable through quality in the profession. STEM workers are important for the development of the economy as the workers provide suitable solutions to a particular problem. The Latinos in the United States are highly neglected in STEM professionals. There are a few Latino students who make it to higher education and study STEM courses. This reduces the opportunity of the Latino, which is a minority group in the USA, to develop by getting involved in STEM careers that are well paying for improved living standards. The treatment of Latino students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics workforce is unfair in the US as just a few of the students are able to attain their dreams of getting a well-paying jobs that will improve the living standards of the individual and the community. The US government is supposed to come up with plans to ensure that the situation is properly handled and the Latinos get equal treatment in natural science professionals.
The unfair treatment of the minority groups is also evident in military recruitment making it hard for the individuals to make it in the military. STEM professionals are important in the military to come up with effective solutions to a problem facing the group. According to Orom, Semalulu and Underwood III (2013) there is a misrepresentation of the minority groups in natural science professionals. This makes it hard for the minority groups like Latinos to make it in the United States army due to the underrepresentation of the minority. The Latino immigrates are increasing in number in the United States and are not considered in military recruitment making the community poor due to the low participation in economic activities. There is a little civil engagement of the Latinos to moderate the growth of the community by offering them with US citizenships for the engagement in military recruitment. The unfair treatment of the Latinos is because many people in the United States view immigrates as the cause of problems that are in the nation (Tucker & Santiago 2013). The perception of the majority citizens on the Latino immigrates makes it harder for the minority groups to be involved in the military and STEM workforce. Discrimination and low engagement in military for the minority groups is evident for the Latinos making it hard for the minority group to develop due to the unfair treatment from the citizens and the government.
Prejudice faced
Latinos face prejudice from the US citizens as many people have a negative opinion about the Latino immigrates. They are discriminated from other individuals with many people having a negative view about the group. Latino group is said to be cause of problems facing the United States making it hard for the minority group to progress socially and economically. Tucker and Santiago (2013) explains the need of engaging the Latino immigrates in local and states communities for the achievement of economic goals set by the nation. The interest of the Latinos are not considered fairly making it hard for an individual for that particular minority group to develop economically. According to Camera (2015), there have been an increase in the number of Latino students studying in the STEM fields. The increase in the number of students from the minority group is essential for the development of the society and the nation. The Latino STEM students engage in the natural science field with an aim of being employment in high wages jobs to improve their living standards. The minority groups are subjected to prejudice where they are provided with the lower paying services in STEM workforce. The STEM bachelor holders from Latino groups are not able to fulfil their potential due to the lower job provided by the employer. There is a need for the government to come up with a plan that will improve minority groups by providing equal opportunities to the groups.
The Latinos are highly discriminated in military recruitment where the chances of getting in the army is minimum for the group. According to Tucker and Santiago (2013), 44% of the Latinos who are in the United States are foreign-born increasing biased decisions to the minority groups. The citizens and policy makers oppress the minority groups reducing their economic and social progress of the groups. There is discrimination in US military recruitment making it hard for minority groups like Latino to make it in the army (Cortina, Kabat-Farr, Leskinen, Huerta & Magley 2013). The prejudice is evident even in the border where immigrates are mistreated leading to injuries and death of the Latinos. Therefore, there are low chances of the Latinos making it in the military and natural science fields in the United States.
Most Latinos have been forced to quite the Military or STEM fie...
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