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Unraveling the secrets of The Aleph

Essay Instructions:
Prompt: Using Borges' ideas on detective fiction, along with one he doesn't mention—violence, murder specifically--as a point of departure, analyze one or more of Borges' stories to show how he both follows and breaks his own "rules." You need not limit yourself to Borges' detective fictions: use his ideas as general precepts for the short story writer. You must quote directly but sparingly from the text in question. No more than 550 (and no fewer than 500) words for any answer. Two things to avoid at all costs: historical-biographical information and your personal opinion of the work. The lectures provide background material, but the essays are tightly focused on specific issues. Evaluations are unnecessary in these essays. Do not append footnotes to your essays. Add a list of “works cited” to your suite of essays, but unless you're using an unusual edition of the works we're reading, don't bother to give anything more than page references. Never use ibid, op. cit.—just quote with page references, an author or title reference (Poetics,p.65), and an entry in “works cited.” Never quote dictionary definitions. Avoid the passive voice (\"it is seen\"). Resist the temptation to quote at length [abbreviate: “Peter grinned . . . Sally screamed.”]. This includes critical texts: a short quotation with the critic's name in parentheses following it, a full reference in the “works cited.” Refer to authors by their last name. Never, ever start an essay using the author's name and the title of his book: “In his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, the Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez …” You may narrate in the first person if you feel impelled to do so, but, assuming you sign your work, the grader will know who wrote it. Decorum (spelling, grammar [different from rather than different than], syntax) matters in the evaluation of your work. For the record: titles of novels appear in italics, but please refrain from attempting to dazzle the grader with fancy fonts); put short story, poem, and essay titles in quotation marks.
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Unraveling the secrets of The Aleph
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"Truth cannot penetrate a closed mind. If all places in the universe are in the Aleph, then all stars, all lamps, all sources of light are in it, too." CITATION Jor12 \l 1033 (Borges) It is to such degree of substance that Borges` pieces are made of. Indeed so, The Aleph is one which even to its close leaves its audience still thinking about it. Borges creates a fantasy setting which virtually represents the ambiguity of man`s perception towards the universe and the inevitable - as well as meaningful - union between life and death.
The protagonist presents himself from a first person point of view; hence, he is assumed to be an extension of the author himself, Borges. In any case, through the story, he is exposed to the Aleph which is the ‘…the only place on earth where all places are -- seen from every angle, each standing clear, without any confusion or blending…`. Upon witnessing it, he was enlightened, so to speak. Incidentally, before him, another character has come across the Aleph. And though both characters have encountered practically the same thing, the experience for each was distinct. Their realizations were after all reflections of who they are. Altogether, their experiences were curious thereby, triggering a series of queries for the readers.
Borges has indeed marked his place in literary history for his ability to transcend his interpretations of whichever inspiration strikes him without much ado and at the same time, leave his audience at a trance for the significant implications that are brought about. His style is placed within the literary genre of Magic Realism, in which ‘fantastical` subjects are represented in a realistic manner CITATION Lou11 \l 1033 (Zamora, 2011); in point of fact, this genre was greatly in...
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